[jboss-user] [EJB3] - @EJB vs. InitialCotext.doLookup(...)
Joachim Heidenreich
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 28 08:56:23 EDT 2011
Joachim Heidenreich [http://community.jboss.org/people/carcophan] created the discussion
"@EJB vs. InitialCotext.doLookup(...)"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/595940#595940
I have a question about context lookups and dependency injection regarding the following scenario:
I'm using JBoss 6.0, JSF 2.1 (Mojarra), EJB3.1
I have and ejb jar and a war archive packaged together in an ear.
My ejb-jar contains a stateless, no interface (local) session bean.
My war has a session scoped managed bean.
Inside my managed bean, I use the @EJB annotation to inject an instance of my no-interface session bean - works like a charm!
However, when I deploy the ejb-jar and the war archives separately (without the ear) I get an error, stating that "Could not resolve @EJB reference... ". However when I remove the @EJB annotation in my managed bean and do a "InitialContext.doLookup("...") instead, I get no errors and everything isfine.
Why doesn't dependency Injection using the @EJB annotation work when deploying the artifacts separately but a manual lookup does?
(I first deploy my ejb-jar and afterwards I deploy the war.)
Does anyone have a clue?
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