[jboss-user] [jBPM] - jbpm 4.4 + Spring 3: can't deploy a jpdl
Radu D.
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon May 30 14:29:06 EDT 2011
Radu D. [http://community.jboss.org/people/rd210275] created the discussion
"jbpm 4.4 + Spring 3: can't deploy a jpdl"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/607777#607777
I am getting the warning
"60421 [http-8443-1] WARN org.jbpm.pvm.internal.repository.DeployerManager - WARNING: no objects were deployed! Check if you have configured a correct deployer in your jbpm.cfg.xml file for the type of deployment you want to do." And I can't retrieve the process definition anymore.
The code is:
NewDeployment newDeployment = repositoryService.createDeployment();
newDeployment.addResourceFromFile(deploymentFile); // a jpdl.xml file
String id = newDeployment.deploy();
LOG.info("Deployed: '" + id + "'"); // gives the id in DB, somthing like '40001'
ProcessDefinitionQuery pdq = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery();
List<ProcessDefinition> processDefinitions = pdq.processDefinitionKey(id).list();
for (ProcessDefinition pd : processDefinitions) { // empty collection
Where should I look for?
The jbpm.cfg.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbpm-configuration xmlns=" http://jbpm.org/xsd/cfg http://jbpm.org/xsd/cfg">
<import resource="jbpm.jpdl.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.identity.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.jobexecutor.cfg.xml" />
<repository-service />
<repository-cache />
<execution-service />
<history-service />
<management-service />
<identity-service />
<task-service />
<command-service name="newTxRequiredCommandService">
<retry-interceptor />
<environment-interceptor policy="requiresNew" />
<spring-transaction-interceptor />
<command-service name="txRequiredCommandService">
<retry-interceptor />
<environment-interceptor />
<spring-transaction-interceptor />
<object class="org.jbpm.pvm.internal.id.DatabaseDbidGenerator">
<field name="commandService">
<ref object="txRequiredCommandService" />
<object class="org.jbpm.pvm.internal.id.DatabaseIdComposer" init="eager">
<jpdl-deployer />
<!-- Added spring as read-context -->
<script-manager default-expression-language="juel" default-script-language="juel"
read-contexts="execution, environment, process-engine, spring" write-context="">
<script-language name="juel" factory="org.jbpm.pvm.internal.script.JuelScriptEngineFactory" />
<authentication />
<id-generator />
<types resource="jbpm.variable.types.xml" />
<address-resolver />
<repository-session />
<db-session />
<message-session />
<timer-session />
<history-session />
<transaction type="spring" />
<!-- Need to set explicitly that we don't want jbpm to create sessions -->
<hibernate-session current="true" close="false" />
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