[jboss-user] [EJB3] - Re: Failed to acquire the pool semaphore in empty pool
Garry Dias
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 12 12:00:54 EDT 2011
Garry Dias [http://community.jboss.org/people/garrydias] created the discussion
"Re: Failed to acquire the pool semaphore in empty pool"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/626083#626083
Hi Pai... thnx for your reply
everything starts in my webservice class MyWorkerWS:
public interface MyWorkerInterface
public WorkResponse execute(WorkRequest request);
@javax.jws.WebService(portName = "MyWorkerWSPort", name = "MyWorker", serviceName = "MyWorker")
public class MyWorkerWS extends SpringSupport implements MyWorkerInterface {
@javax.jws.WebMethod(operationName = "execute")
@javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.BARE)
@javax.jws.WebResult(name = "workResponse", partName = "workResponse", targetNamespace = "http://ws.working.my.com/")
public WorkResponse execute(
@javax.jws.WebParam(mode = Mode.IN, name = "work", partName = "work")
WorkRequest request)
final int startingDepth = NDC.getDepth();
WorkResponse response = null;
try {
//Here I´m looking up my bean via Spring
MyWorkerInterface worker = (MyWorkerInterface) super.getBeanFactory().getBean("myWorkerBean");
//Sometimes it performs around 300ms and sometimes more than 20000ms
response = worker.execute(request);
} catch (org.springframework.beans.BeansException beansException) {
LoggerHelper.error("Application error", beansException);
} catch (EJBException ejbException) {
final String errorMessage =
if (errorMessage.startsWith("Failed to acquire the pool semaphore")) {
// MyWorkerInterface.execute(WorkRequest) method is delayed for more than 20000ms.
// When the execute method backs to its normal execution time this EJBException is still happening
// but the pool seems to be empty
LoggerHelper.error("Pool is full because MyWorkerInterface.execute(WorkRequest) is" +
"taking more time than normal to perform.", ejbException);
else {
LoggerHelper.error("ejb error", ejbException);
return response;
Spring support class
public class SpringSupport {
protected final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger =
private javax.xml.ws.WebServiceContext webServiceContext;
private org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext cachedApplicationContext;
protected org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
if (cachedApplicationContext != null) {
return cachedApplicationContext;
if (webServiceContext == null) {
return null;
javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext messageContext = webServiceContext.getMessageContext();
if (messageContext == null) {
return null;
javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext =
(javax.servlet.ServletContext) messageContext.get(
if (servletContext == null) {
return null;
this.cachedApplicationContext =
(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) servletContext
return cachedApplicationContext;
Bean class
@Stateless(name = "MyWorkerBean")
@Interceptors(value = { SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class, LoggingInterceptor.class })
@RolesAllowed(value = "client")
@Pool(value = PoolDefaults.POOL_IMPLEMENTATION_STRICTMAX, maxSize = 30)
public class MyWorkerBean implements MyWorkerInterface {
public WorkResponse execute(final WorkRequest workRequest) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
WorkExchange exchange = new WorkExchange();
// A JMSProducer is created to send exchange to a JMS queue
// A MDB class retrieve data from a third party webservice using WorkExchange.workRequest fields
// A JMSConsumer is created to retrieve exchange object when MDB ends
LoggerUtil.info("Operation time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
// WorkExchange.workResopnse have been set by MDB
WorkResopnse response = exhange.getWorkResponse();
return response;
Look up settings in Spring xml
<jee:local-slsb lookup-home-on-startup="false" id="myWorkerBean" business-interface="MyWorkerInterface"
jndi-name="MyWorkerBean/local" />
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