[jboss-user] [jBPM] - How can I see process in JBPM 5.3.0 console?
Anatoliy Kalenskiy
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Aug 23 09:29:12 EDT 2012
Anatoliy Kalenskiy [https://community.jboss.org/people/cybiks] created the discussion
"How can I see process in JBPM 5.3.0 console?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/755434#755434
I have created some proces inside my application via spring config in standard way:
<jbpm:kbase id="kbase">
<jbpm:resource type="BPMN2" source="classpath:Looping.bpmn"/>
<jbpm:ksession id="ksession" type="stateful" kbase="kbase" />
I have changed all nesessary configs of
designer.war , drools-guvnor.war, jbpm-form-builder.war,jbpm-gwt-console.war,jbpm-gwt-console-server.war,jbpm-human-task-war.war to use the same Oracle schema that use my application.
And deploysed all of this stuff together with my application (let's say application.war) in jboss-as-7.1.0.Final .
What should I do to find my process in jbpm console?
>From examples and documenatation :
"To manage your process instances, click on the "Processes" tab at the left an select "Process Overview". After a slight delay (if you are using the application for the first time, due to session initalization etc.), the "Process" list should show all the known processes. The jbpm-console in the demo setup currently loads all the processes in the "src/main/resources" folder of the evaluation sample in "jbpm-installer/sample/evaluation". If you click the process, it will show you all current running instances. Since there are no running instances at this point, the "Instance" table will remain empty."
As I undertood I should set jbpm.console.directory=D:/jbpm in jbpm-installer_5.3.0\conf\jbpm.console.properties (I allways make changes into configs inside jbpm-installer_5.3.0 which is full installer of 5.3.0 and then run ant clean.jboss; ant install.demo.noeclipse to have designer.war , drools-guvnor.war, jbpm-form-builder.war,jbpm-gwt-console.war,jbpm-gwt-console-server.war,jbpm-human-task-war.war updated ).
So I copied my process definition file to D:\jbpm\Looping.bpmn (the same file that I have in classpath of my application) .
I run Jboss with my application and all wars from JBPM but I can see in debug that my process runs in my application (I put breakpoints in methods that launched from script tasks) but I can't see processes in JBPM console.
What should I do to be able to see it?
How does it work ? How JBPM console finds process diagrams and currently running process ?
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