[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - JBoss7.1 JNDI subcontext handling failure

Martin Isheim do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 12 05:21:32 EDT 2012

Martin Isheim [https://community.jboss.org/people/martinLuene] created the discussion

"JBoss7.1 JNDI subcontext handling failure"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/741168#741168

Using JBoss7.1.2-NightlyBuild2012-04-30 - due to another fix - i observe strange behaviour within JNDI:
First destrying a subcontext seems not work, the subcontext is still available afterwards.
The second is, that after an unbind, the subcontext, which contained the object, is also gone.
Instead i expect the subcontext to be still available, although it is empty now.

Below are small test procedures for demonstration, at the indicated lines
the first throws the RuntimeException, the second a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException.

I execute these procedures within a SLSB on the application server.
Is there a specific way needed to set up a naming context on server side, i just use "new InitialContext()"?


    public void testDestroySubcontext() throws NamingException {
        // Preparation
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();
        Context sub1 = ctx.createSubcontext("root/sub1");
        sub1.rebind("NAME", "VALUE");
        assertEquals("Lookup object", "VALUE", ctx.lookup("root/sub1/NAME"));
        assertEquals("Lookup subcontext", "VALUE", sub1.lookup("NAME"));

        // test destroySubcontext
        try {
            Context sub1Lookup = (Context) ctx.lookup("root/sub1");
>>>>       throw new RuntimeException("Test failed, destroyed sub context still found: "
                    + sub1Lookup.getNameInNamespace());
        } catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
            // expected, but not thrown.

    public void testUnbind() throws NamingException {
        // Preparation
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();
        Context sub1 = ctx.createSubcontext("root/sub1");
        sub1.rebind("NAME", "VALUE");

        assertEquals("Lookup object", "VALUE", ctx.lookup("root/sub1/NAME"));
        assertEquals("Lookup subcontext", "VALUE", sub1.lookup("NAME"));
        Context lookupCtx = (Context) ctx.lookup("root/sub1");
        assertEquals("Lookup before unbind", "root/sub1", lookupCtx.getNameInNamespace());

        // test unbind
        try {
            Object item = ctx.lookup("root/sub1/NAME");
            throw new RuntimeException("Test failed, unbound object still found" + item);
        } catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
            // expected, unbound object no longer available.

        // sub context shall be still available, as stated in java doc for javax.naming.Context.unbind().
>>>>  Context lookupAgainCtx = (Context) ctx.lookup("root/sub1");
        assertEquals("Lookup after unbin", "root/sub1", lookupAgainCtx.getNameInNamespace());

Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: root/sub1 -- service jboss.naming.context.java.root.sub1
    at org.jboss.as.naming.ServiceBasedNamingStore.lookup(ServiceBasedNamingStore.java:97)
    at org.jboss.as.naming.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:178)
    at org.jboss.as.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:119)
    at org.jboss.as.naming.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:214)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:392)
    at com.jcoffee.base.global.naming.test.TestJNDIUtilitiesImpl.testUnbind(TestJNDIUtilitiesImpl.java:235)

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