[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Human Task
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Tue Nov 27 07:47:48 EST 2012
tmmaluleke [https://community.jboss.org/people/tmmaluleke] created the discussion
"Human Task"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/778580#778580
I need help with this message everytime when I run my human task instead of showing me the Task Name and the owner through the Human Task View, it displays this message in console instaed of the task details :
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, deadline1_.id as col_1_0_, deadline1_.deadline_date as col_2_0_ from Task task0_, Deadline deadline1_ where task0_.archived=0 and (deadline1_.id in (select startdeadl2_.id from Deadline startdeadl2_ where task0_.id=startdeadl2_.Deadlines_StartDeadLine_Id) or deadline1_.id in (select enddeadlin3_.id from Deadline enddeadlin3_ where task0_.id=enddeadlin3_.Deadlines_EndDeadLine_Id)) and deadline1_.escalated=0 order by deadline1_.deadline_date
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id6_0_ from OrganizationalEntity user0_ where user0_.id=? and user0_.DTYPE='User'
Hibernate: insert into OrganizationalEntity (DTYPE, id) values ('User', ?)
Hibernate: select group0_.id as id6_0_ from OrganizationalEntity group0_ where group0_.id=? and group0_.DTYPE='Group'
Hibernate: insert into OrganizationalEntity (DTYPE, id) values ('Group', ?)
Process ID 0
Nov 27, 2012 1:34:15 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: live server is starting with configuration HornetQ Configuration (clustered=false,backup=false,sharedStore=true,journalDirectory=data/journal,bindingsDirectory=data/bindings,largeMessagesDirectory=data/largemessages,pagingDirectory=data/paging)
Nov 27, 2012 1:34:15 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate warn
WARNING: Security risk! It has been detected that the cluster admin user and password have not been changed from the installation default. Please see the HornetQ user guide, cluster chapter, for instructions on how to do this.
Nov 27, 2012 1:34:15 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: Started Netty Acceptor version 3.2.5.Final-a96d88c localhost:5445 for CORE protocol
Nov 27, 2012 1:34:15 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: Server is now live
Nov 27, 2012 1:34:15 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: HornetQ Server version 2.2.10.Final (HQ_2_2_10_FINAL_AS7, 122) [91264828-1f61-11e2-8dab-842b2b8f4ec0]) started
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
Hibernate: select task0_.id as col_0_0_, task0_.processInstanceId as col_1_0_, names5_.text as col_2_0_, subjects3_.text as col_3_0_, descriptio4_.text as col_4_0_, task0_.status as col_5_0_, task0_.priority as col_6_0_, task0_.skipable as col_7_0_, task0_.actualOwner_id as col_8_0_, task0_.createdBy_id as col_9_0_, task0_.createdOn as col_10_0_, task0_.activationTime as col_11_0_, task0_.expirationTime as col_12_0_, task0_.processId as col_13_0_, task0_.processSessionId as col_14_0_ from Task task0_ left outer join OrganizationalEntity user1_ on task0_.createdBy_id=user1_.id left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on task0_.actualOwner_id=user2_.id left outer join I18NText subjects3_ on task0_.id=subjects3_.Task_Subjects_Id left outer join I18NText descriptio4_ on task0_.id=descriptio4_.Task_Descriptions_Id left outer join I18NText names5_ on task0_.id=names5_.Task_Names_Id, OrganizationalEntity organizati6_ where task0_.archived=0 and organizati6_.id=? and (organizati6_.id in (select potentialo9_.entity_id from PeopleAssignments_PotOwners potentialo9_ where task0_.id=potentialo9_.task_id)) and (names5_.language=? or (select count(names10_.Task_Names_Id) from I18NText names10_ where task0_.id=names10_.Task_Names_Id)=0) and (subjects3_.language=? or (select count(subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id) from I18NText subjects11_ where task0_.id=subjects11_.Task_Subjects_Id)=0) and (descriptio4_.language=? or (select count(descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id) from I18NText descriptio12_ where task0_.id=descriptio12_.Task_Descriptions_Id)=0) and (task0_.status in ('Created' , 'Ready' , 'Reserved' , 'InProgress' , 'Suspended')) and (task0_.expirationTime is null)
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