[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Could not parse knowledge - xxx cannot be resolved to a type

tlucz do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 30 06:16:35 EST 2012

tlucz [https://community.jboss.org/people/tlucz] created the discussion

"Could not parse knowledge - xxx cannot be resolved to a type"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/779315#779315

I cannot use process variable at diverge gateway cause I get an error:

Unable to generate action invoker. : org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr at 63f671e3
          defaultPackage/Process_defaultPackage_Visitor_Process_99786445cadc4ba58023973772d4d3adReturnValueEvaluator3Invoker.java (12:417) : VisitorCompanyTO cannot be resolved to a type
          defaultPackage/Process_defaultPackage_Visitor_Process_99786445cadc4ba58023973772d4d3adReturnValueEvaluator3Invoker.java (12:446) : VisitorCompanyTO cannot be resolved to a type
Could not parse knowledge.

Could someone give me an advice what I'm doing wrong at process definition?

Constraint definition looks like below:

    <sequenceFlow id="_5-_4" sourceRef="_5" targetRef="_4" name="constraint" tns:priority="1" >
      <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression" language="http://www.java.com/java" >return company==null;</conditionExpression>

I also tried with casting:  

     return (com.tl.module_visitor.transferobject.VisitorCompanyTO)company==null;

but still get the same error.

I have import section:

     <tns:import name="com.tl.module_visitor.transferobject.VisitorCompanyTO" />

item definition:
     <itemDefinition id="_companyItem" structureRef="VisitorCompanyTO" />

process variable is defined:
    <!-- process variables -->
    <property id="company" itemSubjectRef="_companyItem"/>

What can be reason for this problem? Thanks in advance, Tadeusz.

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