[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: About jbpm5 and mysql!when I open "http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/", "HTTP Status 404 - /drools-guvnor/" occurred,what should I do?
Kiran Mushnuri
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 14 10:47:29 EDT 2012
Kiran Mushnuri [https://community.jboss.org/people/kiran_mvv] created the discussion
"Re: About jbpm5 and mysql!when I open "http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/", "HTTP Status 404 - /drools-guvnor/" occurred,what should I do?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/759631#759631
Which jbpm version you are using? is it jbpm5.2 or 5.3?
We have set up jbpm 5.3 and faced similar problem with this issue. It could be because of two reasons. 1) the port number 8080 is used by some other process. (may be some other process. you might want to change the port number to fix this). 2) the drools-guvnor war file is not deployed. for this to be redeployed you might want to create a drools-guvnor.dodeploy file in \jboss-as-7.0.2.Final\standalone\deploy location. when we have such file, when the server starts it will be redeployed again.
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