[jboss-user] [jBPM] - afterProcessCompleted() not firing when last workflow task is business rule
cold gin
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 26 08:21:42 EDT 2013
cold gin [https://community.jboss.org/people/cold_gin] created the discussion
"afterProcessCompleted() not firing when last workflow task is business rule"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/810546#810546
Hello. I have a workflow that contains a business rule as the last task, and exists on the flow just prior to a terminal (stop) task (jBPM 5.4.0). When this business rule task is present on the workflow definition, the afterProcessCompleted() event never fires on the DefaultProcessEventListener that I am attaching to my knowledge session. If I remove the business rule task in designer and re-execute the workflow, the event does fire on the DefaultProcessEventListener.
I do not have any special configuration anywhere else in my setup that relates to this business rule task, as I was given this workflow by a third party. The code for the business rule from designer is as follows:
<bpmn2:businessRuleTask xmlns:bpmn2=" http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" id="_51E71516-F613-4F75-BC82-88975FD75864" drools:selectable="true" xmlns:drools=" http://www.jboss.org/drools http://www.jboss.org/drools" drools:ruleFlowGroup="Retract" name="Retract_Object">
The workflow basically goes like this:
start => human task => script task => business rule task => stop [afterProcessCompleted() does not fire]
start => human task => script task => stop [afterProcessCompleted() fires as expected]
I am new to jBPM and drools, and I was wondering if anybody can explain this behavior, and how to get the afterProcessCompleted() event to fire? Thanks in advance for any insight.
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