[jboss-user] [jBPM] - how to build a specific release of jBPM 'ecosystem' from source

Szymek Pindelski do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 12 04:14:46 EST 2013

Szymek Pindelski [https://community.jboss.org/people/sweeper] created the discussion

"how to build a specific release of jBPM 'ecosystem' from source"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/797203#797203

hi, is there a way to build a specific release of jBPM 'ecosystem' (all the projects referenced in droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap) from source ? I need a stable release (preferably jBPM 5.4.0 Final + Drools 5.5.0 Final - just like in the latest full installer package) to use as a code reference in my little demo jbpm eclipse project. I followed the build instructions for project contributors (from droolsjbpm readme on github) to download and build the whole package using droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap but ended up with some buggy snapshot that wouldn't even compile due to some package-naming related errors (folder names using diactrical marks..) So i tried cloning the same droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap from 5.4.x branch and repeated the whole procedure using freshly-downloaded branch-specific scripts but i have soon noticed that git-clone-others.sh script is not parameterized in any way to use the proper branch - it just started cloning the same master repositories. I thought about adding a branch switch (-b 5.4.x) to the 'git clone' call inside it but since all these projects are released separately (e.g jbpm 5.4.0 final + drools 5.5.0 final) and have separate lifecycles, i figured it wouldn't work. So - my question is how to do it properly without using Hudson ? (I believe you are using CI server for this purpose) Thanks in advance for any assistance, regards Simon

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