[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - Using hibernate Tools to generate Sql Script
Chetan Shinde
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 13 00:22:32 EST 2013
Chetan Shinde [https://community.jboss.org/people/chetansh] created the discussion
"Using hibernate Tools to generate Sql Script"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/797369#797369
We wanted to generate SQL Script (DDL) from POJO class which are Hibernate Annotated. I have tried using both hibernate3 maven plugin as well as with the Schema Exporter.
Now this class also has a Sequecne Generator defined, and I was expecting that there would be a Sequence script generated for it as well.
This is what the code looked like in the Entity with respect to the Sequence, the allocationSize here is defined as 50, I have tried using all different sizes.
@Entity @SequenceGenerator(name="sessionInfoIdSeq", sequenceName="SESSIONINFO_ID_SEQ", allocationSize=50)
public class SessionInfo {
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator="sessionInfoIdSeq")
private Integer id;
I am using following JARS:
I am using the following jars : hibernate-tools - 3.2.4.GA, hibernate-core - 3.6.1.Final, hibernate-entitymanager - 3.6.1.Final, hibernate-validator - 4.1.0.Final, hibernate-validator-legacy - 4.0.2.GA and DB related jars.
Now when I tried debugging the code using the SchemaExporter example I found that the class in hibernate-core jar was getting called for generating the sequence text.
The problem is that it was only creating create sequence SESSIONINFO_ID_SEQ;
At line 146 on SequenceGenerator.java it was using
+String[] ddl =+ +dialect.getCreateSequenceStrings(sequenceName) from the Dialect class which happened to be deprecated.+
This method implementation was
+public String[] getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) {+
+return "create sequence " + sequenceName; //starts with 1, implicitly+
+} +
+The Dialect API said instead to usefollowing method.
protected String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize) throws MappingException {
if ( supportsPooledSequences() ) {
return getCreateSequenceString( sequenceName ) + " start with " + initialValue + " increment by " + incrementSize;
throw new MappingException( "Dialect does not support pooled sequences" );
I checked the latest APi of the hibernate-core and it too uses the deprecated method.
Any inputs on this would be appreciated. Do I need to raise a JIRA?
I have attached a sample example that I used to generate the Code, SchemaExporter.7z.
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