[jboss-user] [jBPM] - drools-scorecards : jaxb-generated bean property accessor names don't match what is expected in 'client' sources
Szymek Pindelski
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 26 10:39:55 EST 2013
Szymek Pindelski [https://community.jboss.org/people/sweeper] created the discussion
"drools-scorecards : jaxb-generated bean property accessor names don't match what is expected in 'client' sources"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/799651#799651
i'm trying to build a 'stable' release of drools + jbpm (drools 5.5.0.Final + jbpm 5.4.0.Final) and there seems to be an issue regarding drools-scorecards : generated bean property accessors' names don't match the expected (by 'client' sources) ones.
For instance in org.dmg.pmml.pmml_4_1.descr.Scorecard there is a property 'useReasonCodes' of type Boolean with a generated accessor name 'getUseReasonCodes()', while org.drools.scorecards.drl.AbstractDRLEmitter expects 'isUseReasonCodes()'.
This results in a compilation failure.
AFAIK accessor names can be customised in bindings.xml configuration file but i'm trying to build the same stable release that is available through jbpm full installer package and don't want to make any unnecessary amendments to the code.
To obtain the stable release of drools + jbpm i have used the procedure described in {thread:id=221196} :
-- git clone mailto:git at github.com git at github.com:droolsjbpm/droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap -b 5.5.x (to clone the bootstrap repository and set active branch to '5.5.x')
-- droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/git-clone-others.sh 5.5.x 5.4.x (to clone the dependent repositories and set active branches to '5.5.x' for drools and '5.4.x' for jbpm)
-- droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/git-checkout-all.sh 5.5.0.Final 5.4.0.Final to checkout tagged versions 5.5.0.Final (drools with dependencies) and 5.4.0.Final (jbpm)
Afterwards i tried running droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/mvn-all.sh clean install -DskipTests to build all modules - but ended up with described compilation errors in drools-scorecards.
I attached the source files metioned above (generated Scorecard and 'client' AbstractDRLEmitter).
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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