[jboss-user] [IronJacamar] - Re: JCA Spec violation using resource-adapter in JBoss 7?

jleinawe do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 28 18:02:21 EST 2013

jleinawe [https://community.jboss.org/people/jleinawe] created the discussion

"Re: JCA Spec violation using resource-adapter in JBoss 7?"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/800169#800169

Hi Jesper,

Thanks again for your time.   Can you clarify what you mean by "there is no TRACE log".   Is there a distinct log file for this, or is it TRACE messages in the server's log?     If the logs_0228.zip file doesn't contain what is needed, please provide instructions for creating the correct log.

I have tracing information to share from our own RA trace tools.   Attached is a file named "tracem.txt" which is generated from the RA tracing and shows calls made "in" to the RA and when the RA calls anyone "out".

Note that all the problems occur repeatedly and can be found in the first section marked:
   *******************  Inbound  ********************

The smaller section marked:
   ********************  Outbound  ********************
can be ignored as it only contains the startup/config for the RA, the managed connection connection factories, and the endpoints.  (There are no connections created/manipulated in that section.)

The timestamps in the log summary are formatted:


or in the case of "still running" methods just:


and those times can be used to quickly locate full trace information from the log (at entry time: parameters, at exit-time: exceptions, returned values, at both: call-stack, thread, target object, etc.).  Time stamps are not guaranteed unique so if there may be more than one matching time stamp in the full log, in which case the combination of direction, class, method and invocation-instance can be used.  (It is always unique so long as there is only a single run recorded in the log, which is the case here.)  The general format is:

   [direction]:[class].[method]([params]) [result/status] #[invocation-instance]

Direction is "in" when anyone calls the RA, and "out" when the RA calls anyone.  Some examples:

   out:WorkManager.startWork(endpointThread0) -> 6 #1 @1362075147968..1362075147979
   in:xaResourceWrapper2.start(xid5,2097152) threw #8 @1362075193570..1362075193577
   out:MessageConsumer.receive(15000) still running #22 @1362075225203

(The first returned the value 6.  The second threw an exception.  The third was still running at the time the log file is grabbed.)

Indent is used to show call nesting.  Calls are grouped by thread, and by endpoint for inbound.

For improved readability the log summary uses short names for Xids and many RA objects.  The mapping from the short names used in the log summary to the original/long names uses in the full log is in the section marked:

   ********************  Legends  ********************

Also attached is the "intermediate file" tempm.int.  It contains all "INFO  [STDOUT]" and "INFO  [stdout]" entries from the full log, but with extraneous data added by the app-server stripped out, and with any corruption/intermixing of individual log records (due to the app-server chopping them up into bits and emitting the bits from different threads) undone.  The log summary is created from the contents of this intermediate file, so everything referenced by the log summary can be found in the intermediate file, and the intermediate file is generally easier to read than the full log.

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