[jbosscache-dev] NodeData streaming marker

Vladimir Blagojevic vladimir.blagojevic at jboss.com
Fri Aug 25 15:23:32 EDT 2006


As some of you are aware we talked about introducing a delimiter node
inserted between transient and persistent state. Since we have to look
for this node in the stream during streaming state transfer the search
should be very very efficient operation. Note that this is done only for
streaming state transfer and cacheloader implementations are unaware of

Optimal solution IMO would be to extend NodeData class with
NodeDataMarker subclass and introduce a method 

public boolean NodeData.isMarker()

that would return false in NodeData superclass and true in
NodeDataMarker subclass of NodeData. 

We would write an instance of NodeDataMarker as a delimiter between
transient and persistent part of the stream. As we read instances of
NodeData in StreamingStateTransferIntegrator the search for
NodeDataMarker is fast and should not affect overall performance at all.

If I do not hear any objections or better proposals I will commit this
on Monday.


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