[jbosscache-dev] Restructuring o.j.c.l.JDBCCacheLoaderPerfTest, thoughts?

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at jboss.com
Wed Dec 6 05:32:48 EST 2006



Over the last few days I have been having a look at o.j.c.l.JDBCCacheLoaderPerfTest and I have come to the conclusion that it needs changing.


Currently there're 3 tests, testPut(), testGet() and testRemove(). I tried running it and I realised that testPut() would do its job but the other two would never find anything in the database.


This could be controlled via setting drop table to false, but this would still not work as cache.remove("/") is called on teardown().


These three tests are quite linked to each other as you expect puts to go first, then gets and lastly removes. When running unit tests, you're not guaranteed order and taking in account the relationship between the tests, I think the code inside these tests should be joined into just one test.


Of couse, you'd need to evict the cache in between puts/gets and gets/removes so that you can actually exercise the code fully right up to the cache loader.


Any thoughts?


Galder Zamarreño

Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer

JBoss, a division of Red Hat


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