[jbosscache-dev] Inputs on aopc

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at jboss.com
Fri Feb 2 16:48:38 EST 2007

Hey Kabir,

Some hopefully more constructive inputs on aopc:

1) It appears that if any jboss-aop.xml is on the classpath defined by
the "classpath" element, it gets applied. In the testsuite, I used a
broad classpath, and it picks up a file with the same bindings as the
file I name in aoppath.  This causes aopc to fail; javaassist complains
about seeing the same field twice.  The workaround is to not specify
anything in aoppath. But that's confusing. Seems to me that if aoppath
is used, only bindings specified on the files in that path should be

2) When trying to figure the above out, I look at the Reference Guide
and then get really confused.

classpath/classpathref -- simple enough.
src -- isn't really source (i.e. .java) it's class files.  It's
basically a subset of classpath, right? This isn't spelled out clearly
in the docs and the name of the element is confusing.
aopclasspath -- Huh???

3) Also, having "include" as a nested element within src would be more
consistent with normal ant usage.


Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Ph: 510-396-3864
skype: bstansberry 

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