[jbosscache-dev] JBCACHE-928 (lifecycle state)

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at jboss.com
Thu Jan 11 10:33:18 EST 2007

I should have discussed this before opening JIRA, since the use case
isn't clear, but...

Exposure in JMX makes sense, since we expose the lifecycle operations,
i.e. you stop the cache and your colleague comes and bugs you, it's nice
to be able to see the state it's in when you get back to work.

I *believe* (pretty sure actually) in AS 5 the MC will uninstall a bean
if it fails in deployment, and this will include deregistering from JMX.
So, the AS 4.x use case of being able to see the status of a failed
deployment in the JMX console probably doesn't apply.

Are there situations where the cache lifecycle can change internally?
For example, as a result of the channel being shunned and auto-closing?
Right now we don't handle that, but if we did, is it possible it would
trigger a lifecycle transition?

- Brian

jbosscache-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org wrote:
> Brian,
> What would the use case of getState() be?  Is this for use by
> the MC and other mechanisms to manage the cache via JMX?
> I guess what I'm asking is, where does this need to reside?
> In the Cache, CacheSPI or JMX interface?  And also, what
> statii are we looking for?  I have a simple boolean "started"
> at the moment, but this could change to an enum of {CREATED,
> Cheers,

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