[jbosscache-dev] State transfer and VAM (JBCACHE-908)

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Wed Jan 17 09:14:59 EST 2007

Ok, guys.  I've made a bunch of changes here, to allow the state  
transfer code base work with the VAM.

1)  Added interface methods for the VAM to read/write to streams  
rather than just byte arrays (this is all JGroups used for RPC)
2)  Added interface methods to the VAM so callers could pass in an  
Fqn as a 'region' (up until now this was extracted from MethodCalls  
for RPC)
3)  Changed all stream read/write code in StateTransferManager,  
DefaultStateTransferIntegrator, DefaultStateTransferGenerator,  
StateTransferFactory and AbstractCacheLoader to use the marshaller  
rather than direct stream IO
4)  Changed same classes above to not set context class loaders for  
regions.  This is left up to the marshaller, which has knowledge of  
how to do this anyway.

The result is simplified state transfer code (no concerns re: context  
class loaders) and a unified marshalling mechanism.

So far, things look good and the unit tests run fine.  Do shout if  
this does break anything - Brian, particularly interested in how this  
deals with regions with web app deployment in AS.

Manik Surtani

Lead, JBoss Cache
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

Email: manik at jboss.org
Telephone: +44 7786 702 706
MSN: manik at surtani.org
Yahoo/AIM/Skype: maniksurtani

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