[jbosscache-dev] Alternatives to using AS DataSource remotely? - itcaused me some headaches today :(

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at jboss.com
Wed Jan 17 18:20:59 EST 2007

I've gone for the 3rd option and have got most of the JDBCCacheLoaderTest running successfully. Need to make sure that I can override the setting to use DummyTransactions as per the CacheLoaderTestBase, which do not relate in this case.

I think I should also be able to avoid compile time dependencies on any AS libraries, using an Microcontainer 1.0 style XML based injection of pojos needed to run this tests. Adrian gave me a hand here :). The only compile time dependency would be on Microcontainer 1.0.x.

If I can't get this working and make all tests run successfully, we should be fine for the moment. ManagedCF path for JDBCCacheLoaderTest would still require manual testing but should be much easier than it was a couple of days ago... :D

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

IT executives: Red Hat still #1 for value http://www.redhat.com/promo/vendor/

-----Original Message-----
From: jbosscache-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org [mailto:jbosscache-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Galder Zamarreno
Sent: 17 January 2007 21:08
To: jbosscache-dev at lists.jboss.org
Cc: Clebert Suconic
Subject: [jbosscache-dev] Alternatives to using AS DataSource remotely? - itcaused me some headaches today :(

After a bit of a fight, I have managed to run unsuccessfully JDBCCacheLoaderTest accessing the AS datasource remotely. The tests were failing with JBoss Serialization and not with Java Serialization.

After a bit of thought and discussion with Clebert, my gut feeling started to tell me that using the DataSource remotely was probably influencing the errors reported with JBoss Serialization.

I then took one of the tests and put it in a SAR and deployed in AS with the new JBossCache. I run the one of the failing tests via the MBean interface with jboss serialization on and it worked fine.

What does this tell me? Until we're not able to run the JDBCCacheLoaderTest inside the AS, we're not gonna be able to confirm that JDBCCacheLoader works fine inside AS. Besides, some of the tests use transactions and it'd be ideal to use JBoss TransactionManager for that.

This is important for the work I'm doing so that I can confirm I haven't broken anything anywhere else while introducing C3P0 connection pooling, so 3 choices here:

1) HACK, UGLY and everything bad u can think of!!! Create a SAR that contains all the tests in JDBCCacheLoaderTest and parent and check manually the logs. uuuuggghhhhh

2) Start up a mini App Server (JNDI, JDBC Connection Pooling, TransactionManager). If the JNDI was started locally from the unit test, I could potentially plug the Hypersonic DataSource and JBoss Transaction Manager and I could run the tests very easily and confirm that it works. Have you done this? Do you see it feasible? I might be able to use EJB3 standalone to provide a small container for this...

3) Create some kind of SAR that is deployed in a running AS and runs the test. I used to do this using Cactus in my previous work but didn't like it at all. Quite ugly as well.

Any other opinions?

p.s. Clebert, thanks for your help today :)


Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

IT executives: Red Hat still #1 for value http://www.redhat.com/promo/vendor/

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

IT executives: Red Hat still #1 for value http://www.redhat.com/promo/vendor/

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