[jbosscache-dev] Fqns and immutability

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Fri Mar 2 11:56:16 EST 2007

On 2 Mar 2007, at 13:37, Brian Stansberry wrote:

> I'm a bit doubtful that a map lookup would be faster than  
> constructing a new Fqn.
> The weak map could be tricky too. I guess you'd have to write your  
> own that would use Arrays.equals() in the lookup rather than Object 
> [].equals(Object[]). I believe the latter comes down to Object[] ==  
> Object[], which would likely fail.
> Still, 6% is a lot!

Well, like I said this is for a specific test which may be suboptimal  
(create Fqn using Fqn.toString to put stuff in cache.  Create same  
Fqn again using same mechanism to assert that stuff was inserted.   
Loop like mad, changing the node in question using a counter)

Still though, it is something I feel we can improve on.  For example,  
if Fqns were Strings, a lot of this would go away.

Manik Surtani

Lead, JBoss Cache
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

Email: manik at jboss.org
Telephone: +44 7786 702 706
MSN: manik at surtani.org
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