[jbosscache-dev] Access to data in CacheListener.nodePassivated

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Thu May 24 20:12:33 EDT 2007

The EJB3 SFSB layer needs access to the data in the relevant node when 
it gets a nodePassivated(fqn, true) callback.  It needs it so it can get 
the bean context and invoke any @PrePassivate methods.

When it gets the data, it can't go through the interceptor chain or that 
causes a bunch of problems that we sorted last fall and early this year.

In CR2 getting this data w/o going through the interceptors is now 
impossible, at least w/o some nasty hacks I haven't dreamed up yet.  In 
1.4 we did it with the now removed peek() method.  Earlier in 2.0 we 
used Option.setBypassInterceptorChain(), but it seems that is now gone 
as well.

How about we change the method signature of the notification to provide 
the data in the callback?  Looking at the PassivationInterceptor, this 
is easy to do -- the data map is sitting right there.  If we do, this 
data param should be null in the 'post' callback.

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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