[jbosscache-dev] Injection Code Incompatible with AS and PCache Maven Run

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Mon Jan 14 18:40:15 EST 2008

Jason T. Greene wrote:
> The injection design makes assumptions about the ClassLoader it is 
> running in, which we can't do.
> 1. ClasspathScanner's constructor assumes that all ClassLoaders are 
> URLClassLoader, this is not always true, and leads to CCE when it is not.

Yes, due to this the AS fails to start properly w/ a build of the 
current JBC trunk in it.  The classloader in the AS is not a 
URLClassLoader subclass.

> 2. ClasspathScanner.getURLPathFromClassLoader expects only simple file 
> based URLs (like those returned from URLClassLoader). This will not work 
> with the AS5 VFS, which uses a custom URL type ("vfs").
> 3. ClasspathScanner.scan assumes that all URLS are on a local 
> filesystem. This is also not the case. An AS can have http based 
> deployments for example.
> These problems not only prevent compatibility with AS5, they also cause 
> problems with my maven testruns, since I have to have 
> useSystemClassLoader set to true, which uses a manifest for constructing 
> the classpath.
> We should remove this scanning code in favor of either hardcoded 
> constants, or a hardcoded registration process.

I hacked in hard-coded constants on my local checkout and am running the 
  AS testsuite with a core JBC build from that.  There are issues with 
the FIELD granularity tests, but the tests that only use core cache look OK.

> This is urgent because it prevents the CR3 release from going out.

Brian Stansberry
Lead, AS Clustering
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
brian.stansberry at redhat.com

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