[jbosscache-dev] JBCACHE-471 - Handling JGroups MERGE

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Thu Mar 20 07:00:47 EDT 2008

On 20 Mar 2008, at 03:46, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> Bela Ban wrote:
>>>> I suggest you come up with a number of scenarios you'd like to  
>>>> cover in JBC and then we see what information is needed. Maybe  
>>>> implementing this will make the interface clearer...
>>> As far as JBC is concerned, I think we can only handle 2 scenarios  
>>> effectively.
>>> 1.  EvictEntireClusterStateHandler
>>> Each instance evicts it's local tree when it gets this.  A  
>>> variation of this could do a remove instead of an evict (to clear  
>>> local cache loader state as well).  Useful if the data exists  
>>> elsewhere - e.g., when used with Hibernate.
>>> 2.  FatalStopMergeHandler
>>> Logs a fatal error and shuts down the cache when a merge is detected
>> These are simple policies, let's try to find a hard one. For example,
>> 3. HTTP session replication (Brian): here, we could provide a  
>> policy which merges the (usually disjoint) data sets. If there are  
>> conflicts, we could use the number of updates to a session as  
>> arbiter. Or the time stamp of the last update, or something  
>> deterministic.
> The following applies to non-FIELD based sessions.  Once POJO Cache  
> is involved its a whole different subject.
> A handler that merged sessions would need to be able to:
> a) Find out where in the tree the root of interesting data is. That  
> is the /JSESSION/localhost/webapp Fqn.  A session cache might have  
> several such points (different webapps) and not all would  
> necessarily follow the same structure. e.g. you may also have things  
> like /SFSB/ear=foo,jar=bar,bean=fubar in the same cache if you are  
> caching SFSBs as well.  With BR this includes the buddy backup  
> subtrees associated with any "dead" data owners.
> b) Identify what nodes are the "data owners".  With total  
> replication this could just be the former coordinator nodes of the  
> subpartitions. With BR it's every node.
> c) Provide the names of all the children of the interesting root  
> across the data owners.
> d) Provide the data from all the data owners for a given Fqn so the  
> winner can be selected.
> e) Compare the contents of nodes to determine a winner. What  
> attribute map key holds the timestamp; what method on the sfsb holds  
> the timestamp.
> f) Merge a given subtree once a winner has been picked for a given  
> Fqn. Get the winner data stored in the right place (which buddy  
> groups) and the loser data removed.

So in terms of what you'd need from JBC's merge handler callback:

1)  List of each subpartition's members (in order, so you can  
determine coordinator)
2)  Remote (proxy) access to a given cache.  Something like:

	Cache c = new CacheProxy(currentInstance, addressToProxyTo);

      so that you could query any caches (coordinators, or all caches  
in the case of BR) you care about, about their "interesting" roots and  

I'm guessing everything you need in c, d and f can be achieved with  
proxy access described above?

So I'm now the callback hasn't changed, and still looks like:

	void handleMerge(Cache currentInstance, List<Address>  
mergedMembership, List<Address>... subpartitionMemberships);

NB: CacheProxy does not exist as yet.  It is something we need for  
Partitioning (JBCACHE-60), so I thought it may make sense here.


Manik Surtani
Lead, JBoss Cache
manik at jboss.org

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