[jbosscache-dev] Lets ditch docbook (long-term)

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Thu May 1 11:41:18 EDT 2008

Jason T. Greene wrote:
> This week a community contributor sent me some a very tiny correction to 
> the POJO Cache documentation (the word you had an additional y, "yyou"). 
> Updating the docs for such a simple fix is a royal pain in the ass, and 
> required me merging it to 3 different project branches, regenerating 
> documentation using maven (which failed btw, since maven is a pos, and I 
> had to update an already released tag), and finally committing the new 
> docs to the CMS SVN.
> This process combined with the unfriendly docbook format basically 
> discourages the docs from being properly maintained.
> IMO a good wiki, like mediawiki, is superior to docbook for community 
> documentation, since its easy to update, easy to use, and allows 
> external community members to contribute updates without getting code 
> svn access.
> I think we should move our project docs to something like mediawiki, and 
> save docbook for situations when you actually want printed documentation 
> (like EAP).

I just heard from Bob that labs is getting ClearSpace, which not only is 
a modern wiki, but also has docbook integration, so that the base 
content can be populated from docbook, and edited/added-on with wiki 

Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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