[jbosscache-dev] MC style JDBCCacheLoader configuration

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at redhat.com
Wed May 7 04:21:15 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Re: https://enterprise.redhat.com/issue-tracker/175979

While resolving this case, customer asked how to transform the given 
JDBC CacheLoaderConfig section (see attached 
mbean-cacheloaderconfig.xml) into MC style deployment. The result can be 
found in the attached mc-cacheloaderconfig.xml.

I'd like to put this somewhere and I can think 3 places for it:
- wiki (my firm fav)
- jbc docu
- example deployment descriptor distributed with JBC and/or AS.

Wiki is probably the best place to put this type of example 
configuration files as we're likely be asked to provide more like this 
and it's the easiest way for people to contribute. Thoughts?

Staying on the same topic, while trying to create the MC version of that 
configuration, I worked with a prototype that use <property> elements 
for each of the cache loader configuration properties. However, this was 
not really viable because it would require setter/getter for each and 
every property, see attached mc-cacheloaderconfig-properties.xml.

Initially, before I came out with the final solution, I was thinking of 
creating a JIRA to get the setter/getters created, but given the final 
solution does not require any changes and fits well the purpose of 
setProperties(), I don't think there's a need for a JIRA. Thoughts?

Galder ZamarreƱo
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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