[jbossdeveloper] GitHub Usage

Paul Robinson paul.robinson at redhat.com
Thu Aug 21 08:09:39 EDT 2014


This isn't going to work, as only those with push access can set the labels :-(

I'll continue to use the labels for my own organisation, until we can come up with something that works for all contributors.


On 1 Aug 2014, at 13:13, Paul Robinson <paul.robinson at redhat.com> wrote:

> All,
> We've recently created some labels on GitHub PRs. The idea is to make it easier to see, at-a-glance what the PR is waiting upon. Although Github will allow multiple labels to be present at once, our workflow forbids it.
> The workflow is quite simple:
> On Hold
> This is for WiP PRs and things that can't be merged until some external factor has been addressed. For example, https://github.com/jboss-developer/www.jboss.org/pull/336 requires a DCP outage, so we need to wait for an appropriate time. this typically replaces the "DO NOT MERGE THIS YET" text that people have been adding.
> Ready for Review
> This label means that a reviewer should take a look. Mark your PRs as this when they are ready for review or when you have completed addressing the reviewer's comments. 
> Address Comments
> This means that a review round is complete and there are comments that need addressing.
> Ready to Merge:
> This indicates that a reviewer is happy for the PR to be merged. This step is skipped if the reviewer merges immediately.
> Awaiting retest
> This just indicates that a retest has been triggered. Once the test completes, it would most likely be switched to "Ready for Review". I added this label for my own convenience, it's not necessarily something you have to use. 
> Pete and I only set this up yesterday, so it's likely to evolve over time. Lets see how we get on with it.
> Paul.
> -- 
> Paul Robinson
> JBoss Developer Team Lead (www.jboss.org)
> JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
> Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
> Directors:Michael Cunningham (US), Charles Peters (US), Matt Parson (US), Paul Hickey (Ireland)


Paul Robinson
JBoss Developer Team Lead (www.jboss.org)

JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors:Michael Cunningham (US), Charles Peters (US), Matt Parson (US), Paul Hickey (Ireland)

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