[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> definition in pom.xml for Quickstarts and Demos

Rafael Benevides benevides at redhat.com
Tue Nov 4 12:30:43 EST 2014

One more question:

Do we need to setup < pluginRepositories /> also for quickstarts?

Maybe Paul Gier should know it.

On 11/4/14 06:11, Pete Muir wrote:
> I believe the fuse maven repo is still valid, yes.
>> On 31 Oct 2014, at 22:34, Rafael Benevides <benevides at redhat.com 
>> <mailto:benevides at redhat.com>> wrote:
>> Max/Fred
>> Can you please review https://mojo.redhat.com/docs/DOC-997344 and 
>> confirm if those ids are ok. If not, do you mind to place the right 
>> information at the document?
>> Pete/Max,
>> Do you know if Fuse maven repository still valid ?
>> Thanks
>> On 10/31/14 11:56, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was thinking about the implementation of the repository definition 
>>> in pom.xml and I want to share my thoughts:
>>> - Create a QSTools CHECKER to mark the lack of <repository /> as a 
>>> guideline violation if MavenCentralChecker is disabled.
>>>    - The violation message will instruct to use the new QSTools GOAL 
>>> that will be created
>>> - Create another QSTools GOAL to setup the repositories.
>>>   - There will be a list of approved repositories and its IDs 
>>> (redhat techpreview, earlyacess, jboss developer temporary, etc)
>>>   - QSTools will remove all previous repositories from pom.xml and 
>>> prompt which repositories should be added.
>>>   - This will help Quickstarts and demos to be easily buildable from 
>>> development and production branches and will also allow this list to 
>>> be bulk updated to remove any previous development repository 
>>> definition.
>>> Please,
>>> If you have any feedback on this, feel free to reply.
>>> -- 
>>> *Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer*
>>> JBoss Developer
>>> M: +55-61-9269-6576
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