[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> on quickstarts pom.xml

Julian Coleman jcoleman at redhat.com
Thu Nov 27 07:17:36 EST 2014


> We use a different process that we have the final versions released
> previously having the "-build-x" suffix at the version and place those
> versions at http://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/ repo (which is
> our "staging" repo until we have a nexus server setup). But I know that this
> process is particular and couldn't fit for every project. Do you see any
> restrictions to test the final version using the internal repo and having
> that repo defined in settings.xml ?

Yes - the product internal builds artifacts are not currently uploaded to:


It's probably sensible to have product internal releases available more
publically, but I don't think that we're there yet.



Red Hat
Newcastle upon Tyne

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