[jbossdeveloper] <repository /> on quickstarts pom.xml

Marek Novotny mnovotny at redhat.com
Thu Nov 27 07:21:39 EST 2014

you can't use any internal released artefact in 

http://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/ with the "-build-x"

On 27.11.2014 12:49, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> That's an excellent proposal since we are thinking on users that goes 
> directly to github.
> Anyway we shouldn't use SNAPSHOTs artifacts on -devel branch. Every 
> "staging" release should be placed at 
> http://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/ using the "-build-x" 
> suffix. That's one of the reasons that I placed that repo as an approved 
> one on QSTools, so we can add it on "-develop" branch. But unfortunately 
> it seems that nobody is using it anymore since it's not being updated 
> since July.
> Besides that proposal, We also should ask to have the x.y.Final tag for 
> each release.
> On 11/27/14 08:06, Vineet Reynolds Pereira wrote:
>> I have a follow-up question - should we also change the default branch to x.y.Final instead of x.y-develop ?
>> This naturally follows from our need to not have users perform any special configuration to get started.
>> End-users who clone the repo do not have to figure out how to get the SNAPSHOT artifacts.
>> --

Marek Novotny
WFK and Seam Product Lead

Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno

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