[jbossdeveloper] Maven Configuration - preferred method

Marek Novotny mnovotny at redhat.com
Wed Sep 3 05:59:33 EDT 2014

I think we sligthly changed the process to release WFK archetypes around
GA release, so I think EAP can handle the release same way. Archetypes
need to be derived from final quickstarts commit/tag and should be only
in one version - more than 1 release of archetype for the version is
confusing for end user IMHO.

On 2.9.2014 16:53, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> yes. EAP Archetypes should be release together with EAP Quickstart.
> It already happens for WFK Archetypes..

Marek Novotny
WFK and Seam Product Lead

Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno

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