[jbossdeveloper] Workaround for Google API Limit?

Paul Robinson paul.robinson at redhat.com
Thu Feb 19 04:38:20 EST 2015

It sounds like you have a workaround now. But here's some more info on the problem...

The problem is that Google books API provides a very small quota for both anonymous and authenticated clients. We can't share the same key for development and CI builds as the quota will not be high enough. Therefore the plan was for CI to use the API key and for developers to be anonymous. In theory each developer would have their own quota. However, due to the way Google rate-limits anonymous users, it seems to detect all developers on the Red Hat VPN as being the same user, and thus using a single quota. 

None of this should be a problem as development and staging builds cache requests to the google books API. So as a developer, you should never need to make a Google Books API call again, after doing a successful build (unless you clear the cache, of course). However, there was an issue with this approach, which I though we fixed on Tuesday. However, I'm still seeing API calls coming from my dev box with a primed cache. I'll report back once we've investigated further.


> On 18 Feb 2015, at 21:42, Jason Porter <jporter at redhat.com> wrote:
> You'd edit the _config/secrets.yaml.gpg file, but DO NOT COMMIT IT :) 
> ↪ 2015-02-18 Wed 11:34, Markus Eisele <meisele at redhat.com>:
>> Paul responded to me directly, he's on pto today. Looks like there's an issue with the ip address / network you're using the api key from. Starting the build while not being on VPN solved it. 
>> Still,  seems to be a good idea to have a lightweight prototyping area where I can just build some slim pages and go ahead with a PR. 
>> @jason: where do I put in my own api key? 
>> Thanks for the help so far, M
>> _______http://blog.eisele.net @myfear
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Jason Porter <jporter at redhat.com> 
>> Date: 18/02/2015  18:29  (GMT+01:00) 
>> To: Pete Muir <pmuir at redhat.com>, Markus Eisele <meisele at redhat.com>, jbossdeveloper at lists.jboss.org 
>> Subject: Re: [jbossdeveloper] Workaround for Google API Limit? 
>> I doubt you'll have need to do this, but at times I've had to use my Google API key if I was working on things that required a clean book cache.
>> ↪ 2015-02-18 Wed 09:27, Jason Porter <jporter at redhat.com>:
>>> ----- Pete Muir <pmuir at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> I’ll let Paul or Jason respond in detail, but in general we do have a problem here with local builds.
>>>> If you have a gpg key, I can add you to our password vault, and you can use our account to increase the rate limit.
>>>> Pete
>>>>> On 18 Feb 2015, at 10:57, Markus Eisele <meisele at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I am trying to get the local JBoss.org site setup to contribute some pages.
>>>>> Can't do a rake clean preview because I always run into the Google User
>>>>> Rate
>>>>> Limit.
>>>>>> While processing file
>>>>>> An error occurred: User Rate Limit Exceeded. Please sign up
>>>>> How are you guys locally previewing your changes? Is there a workaround?
>>>>> This is not exactly a particular feature of the site I am interested. Can I
>>>>> just
>>>>> skip this step somehow?
>>>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> M
>>>>> ___
>>>>> http://blog.eisele.net
>>>>> http://twitter.com/myfear
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Paul Robinson
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