[jbossdeveloper] Error importing BRMS Quickstarts to JBDS

Ryan Zhang rzhang at redhat.com
Fri Jun 5 06:54:01 EDT 2015

Yes, the plugin is added for productization purpose during the prod build.
After discussion with my team, we think we can drop the 
project-sources-maven-plugin for future version.

The reason it was added is that we use it to produce a source package 
which contains the real product version changes applied by 
Pom-Manipulator-Ext[1]. It work with PME and has been applied to all 
project source we shipped to customer.
I agree that the plugin is irrelevant to customer usage on quickstarts 
and we can provide the correct source based on  assembly instead of 
relying on the project-source-plugin. So we decided we can drop it from 

I will assign the related bugzilla on me and make sure the change 
happens for future version.

Thanks for the investigation.


On 06/05/2015 01:21 PM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> I'll let Ryan and Petr to answer those questions since it was not part
> of initial quickstarts.
> On 6/4/15 18:02, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> On 4 Jun 2015, at 18:45, John Casey wrote:
>>> This plugin was written as an alternative to the maven assembly
>>> plugin IIRC, in order to allow us to standardize the production of
>>> project-source zips automatically, without affecting any pre-existing
>>> configurations of the assembly plugin.
>>> I didn't know about the m2e metadata. The plugin should be safe to
>>> ignore from Eclipse, so I'll add the appropriate metadata and
>>> re-release the plugin for future use.
>> thanks.
>> I commented on the bugzilla before I saw this was another plugin than
>> what google searches gave me ;)
>> I still don't grok why this plugin is activated for quickstarts given
>> to users ?
>> is this plugin relevant for them to use with their quick start ?
>> /max
>>> -john
>>> On 06/04/2015 11:42 AM, Fred Bricon wrote:
>>>> I have never encountered that plugin before, looks like John wrote it,
>>>> so if I say something stupid he can correct me.
>>>> m2e doesn’t know whether it’s safe to execute or to ignore that plugin
>>>> in the context of an Eclipse build.
>>>> Quickly looking at [1], I would say assembling the project sources is
>>>> irrelevant to building an app and deploy it *from Eclipse*. So I would
>>>> say it’s safe to ignore it. But that really depends on the project. I
>>>> don’t know if it _needs_ it’s sources to be deployed at runtime.
>>>> If it’s actually safe to ignore, you have 3 options :
>>>> - mark as ignore in pom.xml : you need to do that in each and every
>>>> quickstart project, but you guarantee your users won’t see an error on
>>>> import
>>>> - mark as ignore in Eclipse : you need to do that once per workspace,
>>>> but this has to be a user action. You can only document that step in
>>>> each quickstart
>>>> - ask John to add a META-INF/m2e/lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml
>>>> file  in
>>>> his plugin [2], so that m2e will safely ignore it by default, with any
>>>> further pom.xml meddling
>>>> As a general rule, I would say that yes, you should try to avoid using
>>>> non-standard, unsupported maven plugins in Eclipse. You’ll run into
>>>> less
>>>> trouble.
>>>> If you can’t avoid it, then adding the lifecycle-mapping in the pom
>>>> (provided it’s safe) will guarantee your users won’t see any errors.
>>>> Fred
>>>> [1]
>>>> https://github.com/jdcasey/project-sources-maven-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/commonjava/maven/plugins/projectsrc/ProjectSourcesGoal.java
>>>> [2] https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_compatible_maven_plugins#Overview
>>>>> Le 4 juin 2015 à 11:09, Sande Gilda <sgilda at redhat.com
>>>>> <mailto:sgilda at redhat.com>> a écrit :
>>>>> Fred, did we run into this issue with any of the JBoss EAP
>>>>> quickstarts? It sounds familiar, but I can't find anything.
>>>>> On 06/04/2015 09:10 AM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Recently I reported a bug to BRMS Quickstarts where it couldn't be
>>>>>> built when imported to JBDS due to the existence of a maven plugin
>>>>>> not covered by m2e.
>>>>>> When the Quickstart gets imported, it says: "Plugin execution not
>>>>>> covered by lifecycle configuration:
>>>>>> org.commonjava.maven.plugins:project-sources-maven-plugin:0.3:archive
>>>>>> (execution: project-sources-archive, phase: initialize)"
>>>>>> The question is: What's the recommendation from JBDS guys for this?
>>>>>> 1 - Avoid non-convered plugins by m2e
>>>>>> 2 - Mark it as ignored in the pom.xml when importing it
>>>>>> 3 - Mark it as as ignored in eclipse (experimental)
>>>>>> 4 - Other recommendation
>>>>>> For reference, the related bug is
>>>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227861
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer*
>>>>>> JBoss Developer Materials lead
>>>>>> M: +1-919-592-6255
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>> /max
>> http://about.me/maxandersen

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