[jbosside-dev] 2.0.0.Beta2 N&Ns

Ole Matzura ole at eviware.com
Thu Oct 12 10:01:38 EDT 2006

yes.. preferrably both ;-)

I'll add an issue to JIRA and write something on the docs..


Max Rydahl Andersen skrev:
> mkay - sounds like something that would be good to have either 
> documented or even better fixed/aligned ;)
>> yes.. although this will need this some work to not confuse users all 
>> too much.. for example similar preferences are exposed under 
>> different preference-pages ("SoapUI" and "JBossIDE / JBossWS") but 
>> use the same preference-store internally.. also the too plugins share 
>> a "soapui-workspace" which could get confusing.. they should probably 
>> have their own.. we are discussing this alot internally ;-)
>> the soapui-nature and jbossws-nature are mutually exclusive so a 
>> project can only have one of them..
>> /Ole
>> Max Rydahl Andersen skrev:
>>> ok, sounds cool.
>>> Another question is then: can jbossws and your eclipse soap ui 
>>> coexist in the same installation ?
>>> /max
>>>> Hi Max,
>>>> Regarding question nr 1;
>>>>  From a functionality-point-of-view, the jbossws-plugin is a 
>>>> specialized version of our soapui-eclipse-plugin 
>>>> (http://www.soapui.org/eclipse), which currently supports most of 
>>>> the inspect/invoke features available in soapui-standalone. 
>>>> Currently there is no support at all for 
>>>> functional/load/compliance-testing though, this will be implemented 
>>>> in the upcoming 0.5-1.0 releases of both plugins. Also, some of the 
>>>> request-related features have not been ported to swt, namely 
>>>> attachments, multiple endpoints and validation features..
>>>> hope this answers your question.. just mail again for more details..
>>>> regards,
>>>> /Ole
>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen skrev:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> My N&N
>>>>> http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/tools/eclipse/newandnoteworthy/hibernate-eclipse-news-3.2.0.beta8.html 
>>>>> couple of questions about this release:
>>>>> 1) Ole, how much of the soapui (if any) is actually included in 
>>>>> jbosside ?
>>>>> 2) http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866 
>>>>> says that the "others" MD5 etc. is the last release ? :(
>>>>> 3) Instead of writing "no dependencies" on 
>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248 
>>>>> couldn't we write "No dependencies included" to reduce the confusion.
>>>>> 4) http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbosside/download/index.html 
>>>>> should have a comment about what nodeps mean
>>>>> 5) What took so long about getting this release out ? (I relased 
>>>>> beta8 for this release 20 days ago) What can we do to prevent that 
>>>>> for the next release ?
>>>>> /max
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> our N&N is at 
>>>>>> http://www.soapui.org/jbossws/newandnoteworthy-2.0.0-beta2.html
>>>>>> we're pretty excited, this is the first "public" release of the 
>>>>>> jbossws plugin.. hold your thumbs!
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> /Ole
>>>>>> Marshall Culpepper skrev:
>>>>>>> Hey guys..
>>>>>>> 2.0.0 Beta2 is on sourceforge and I've updated the download page 
>>>>>>> to point to all the new files etc (including "nodeps" stuff). I 
>>>>>>> wanted to make sure to collect URLs for all the new & 
>>>>>>> noteworthy's for this release before doing the official 
>>>>>>> announcement .. could everyone reply with your N&N? I'll make 
>>>>>>> the announcement on jbosside-announce and on the forums once I 
>>>>>>> have 'em all.
>>>>>>> BTW if anyone wants to double check their downloads from 
>>>>>>> sourceforge I would highly appreciate it .. here are the 3 links:
>>>>>>> Beta2 (plugins w/ dependencies, bundles):
>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454762 
>>>>>>> <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454762> 
>>>>>>> Beta2 (plugins w/o dependencies):
>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454781 
>>>>>>> <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454781> 
>>>>>>> Beta2 (md5s/tests):
>>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454782 
>>>>>>> <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=72248&release_id=454782> 
>>>>>>> Also the development update site is currently being updated so 
>>>>>>> if anyone wants to test that too I would highly appreciate it =)
>>>>>>> -- Marshall Culpepper
>>>>>>> marshall.culpepper at jboss.com <mailto:marshall.culpepper at jboss.com>
>>>>>>> JBossIDE Team Lead
>>>>>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
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>>>>> ----
>>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen
>>>>> callto://max.rydahl.andersen
>>>>> Hibernate
>>>>> max at hibernate.org
>>>>> http://hibernate.org
>>>>> JBoss a division of Red Hat
>>>>> max.andersen at jboss.com
>>> ----
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen
>>> callto://max.rydahl.andersen
>>> Hibernate
>>> max at hibernate.org
>>> http://hibernate.org
>>> JBoss a division of Red Hat
>>> max.andersen at jboss.com
> ----
> Max Rydahl Andersen
> callto://max.rydahl.andersen
> Hibernate
> max at hibernate.org
> http://hibernate.org
> JBoss a division of Red Hat
> max.andersen at jboss.com

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