[jbosstools-dev] Hibernate Property

Dmitry Geraskov dgeraskov at exadel.com
Thu Dec 6 10:24:37 EST 2007

Hi All!

I have the following mapping structure in my hbm.xml file:

<class name="Person"
        <component name="address">
            <property name="street"/>
            <property name="zip"/>
            <property name="country"/>

In Java code I get object of the type org.hibernate.mapping.Property. 
For example it is "zip" property.

The question is: how can I know that my Property object is property of  
"address" Subclass ("address" component).

Property.getPersistanceClass() returns null.

Best regards,

 Dmitry Geraskov              
 dgeraskov at exadel.com
 Senior Developer
 Exadel Inc

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