[jbosstools-dev] Re: Freezing in the build unit tests

Marshall Culpepper marshall.culpepper at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 15:28:26 EDT 2007

Is this something I can do automatically for build? you'll have to 
remind me..

Denis Golovin wrote:
> Can you try switch to external browser as we did before for RHDS?
> Marshall Culpepper wrote:
>> Looks like this error may have just been a fluke locally. The real 
>> error is the "Can't find internal browser" .. error. Is there anyway 
>> we can turn that off so it doesn't freeze the build??
>> Marshall Culpepper wrote:
>>> Hey guys..
>>> The freezing in the build's unit tests is reproducing every build 
>>> now. The culprit seems to be the "JSP Semantics Validator (JSF)". 
>>> Right now my workspace is showing it being stuck @ 1% on 
>>> WebContent/pages/inputname.jsp. I've pasted the relevant part of the 
>>> console log here:
>>> http://pastebin.ca/741394
>>> Looks like this might be related org.jboss.tools.common.model? Denis 
>>> any ideas?

Marshall Culpepper
marshall.culpepper at jboss.com
JBoss Tools, Red Hat Developer Studio

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