[jbosstools-dev] Re: Whats new in 3.alpha(Visual Page Editor)

Sergey Dzmitrovich sdzmitrovich at exadel.com
Mon Aug 18 07:19:49 EDT 2008

Max Rydahl Andersen пишет:
>>> Hi Maxim,
>>> What does this mean ?
>>> "DOCTYPE declaration is taken into account when we generate a 
>>> preview." ?
>>> /max
>> JBIDE-2170.
>> That mean that DOCTYPE which we specified in source page also will be 
>> used as doctype on visual page.
> I looked at the issue but couldn't really figure out what was new and 
> noteworthy about it, e.g. what
> difference will users see ?
> Is this not "just" a simple fix of an old time bug or ?
> -max
>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>> It's now time again to collect the list of "What's new" for the 
>>>>> release of alpha1.
>>>>> I got most of the highlights but would appreciate if you could 
>>>>> point me to jiras or other documents
>>>>> that you made that contains screenshots and/or description of new 
>>>>> and cool things.
>>>>> I've attached an updated template with instructions on style and 
>>>>> screenshots if you want to prepare them, but since
>>>>> it would be good to have done by tomorrow/monday jira and existing 
>>>>> screenshots references would be good to get ASAP.
>>>>> This template is also available at 
>>>>> https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/trunk/documentation/whatsnew/template/ 
>>>>> and you can see samples of the old What's New at 
>>>>> http://docs.jboss.org/tools/whatsnew/ for inspiration (note: not 
>>>>> all the old templates follow the style for the snapshots so please 
>>>>> look at the template for the precise info
>>>>> The faster I can get these, the better :)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> /max
Doctype has an influence on css styles. See images.
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