[jbosstools-dev] Re: a classpath container problem about JBoss server jars

Rob Stryker rob.stryker at redhat.com
Tue Jun 3 05:29:28 EDT 2008

Hi Grid:

You should have a page similar to the jsf facet's page.

When creating a JSF project or enabling the JSF facet (in a seam project),
there is a page where the user selects whether to let the facet add the jars
manually or let the server do it. 

If the user selects let the server do it, then your facet should NOT add 
the jars
and should instead let the server itself do it (aka my code, which adds 
the container
with all the jars). If your user DOES select to add the jars, then you 
should do so.

You should be able to see an example of this by creating a new Seam project.
One page is the JSF page.

Try to work similar to that.

- Rob Stryker

gridqian wrote:
> Hi guys,
> There is a problem when I create jboss ws and rum a client sample.
> Now I focus on extending wtp web service framework to support
> JBoss WS. To do this task, we must firstly create a dynamic web
> project and then generate web service or web service client codes.
> So far I can create web service and web service client. For user's
> convenience I generate a client sample to call web service.
> But you know, if the dynamic web project is assigned a jboss server
> system will add a jboss server classpath container to the project
> classpath and add many jars into this container. These jars include
> jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar. When I run the web service client
> sample class,  a issue occurs and the client do not call web servcie
> successfully. After google this issue,  I found  only if  remove  the
> two jars (jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar)  from project classpath, 
> the  issue will be  fixed successfully.
> So how to do to fix this issue? I think we have two ways:
> 1 when create jboss server classpath container, we do not add these
>   two jars to the container.
>   But in this case, I do not know whether other dynamic web projects
>   can run successfully without these two jars.
> 2 Like done as before, add all of jars to jboss server container. When I
>   create web service client project, I remove these two jars from the
>   container.
>   but I do not know how remove jars from a container?
> Which way is better? and if choose second way, who can tell me how to
> remove jars from a classpath container?
> Thanks
> Grid

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