[jbosstools-dev] Seam EAR project

Snjezana Peco snjezana.peco at redhat.com
Tue May 6 18:00:23 EDT 2008

I have tested JBDS on Windows and can reproduce 2 issues regarding 
creating and publishing a Seam application.
Not sure if they are known issues, but I haven't seen any jira issues 
related to them.
In order to reproduce the issues just do the following:
- start JBDS
- remove all deployed projects in the JBoss Server view
- ensure that no one project exists in the deploy directory on the JBoss 
- create a Seam EAR project named "test"

Problem 1:

The test and test-ejb projects aren't builded correctly (there are errors).
- rebuild all the projects
- publish
- start the JBoss server

The test-ear project is builded and deployed correctly

- delete all the projects
You will get the error "test-ejb does not exist", but the projects are 
removed correctly in the Eclipse workspace
- create the test project again
You will face the same problem again
- rebuild all the projects
- publish
The problem is solved.

Problem 2:

- open a login page and try to log in
You will get the attached exception
The project isn't deployed correctly. It is possible that this problem 
is caused by a Windows locking problem. If you stop the server before 
removing the project, the problem won't happen.
I assume that JBoss Tools tries to undeploy the project and succeeds 
only partially.

In order to solve the issue do the following:
- stop the server
- call Full Publish
- start the server


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