[jbosstools-dev] a rough esb project wizard is ready

Denny Xu dxu at redhat.com
Tue Sep 2 04:14:19 EDT 2008

Hi all

I commit esb project wizard  plugins into svn in the esb module. it has 
the following basic function :
    - JBoss ESB project creation wizard
          It will create default project structure, and set classpath 
according the runtimes that the user selected,  a default empty 
jboss-esb.xml will be created.
    - Project package and deployment
          Users just need add the project the a jboss server adaptor 
through a wtp server view or jboss view just like a Web project and  
publish it, then the  packaging and deployment is finished.
          for now, jboss server adaptor does not support the new type, I 
have created a patch add this support, if     someone want to play with 
before Rob add it to jboss server adaptor,
         you should also check out the  org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core 
plugin from svn in as module and apply the patch
    - Preference page for configuration of esb runtimes.
         for now, if users select a esb runtime for a esb project, only 
jars in jbossesb.esb and jbossesb.sar will be added the classpath of the 
project, not sure if it's necessary  to add jars of other esb component  
such as "spring.esb" and "smooks.esb" to classpath project classpath.

  please have a look at what the esb project wizard looks like if you 
have interesting and your feedback is quite welcome.

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