[jbosstools-dev] Re: [Fwd: [Soa-tools-list] a rough esb project wizard is ready]

Denny Xu dxu at redhat.com
Wed Sep 10 02:23:19 EDT 2008

> I'm a little curious what Denny has done here, since I haven't looked 
> at his code.  One of the first things to note is that there are 
> actually two different WTP types of "Runtime" classes.  One is in 
> org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.blahblah, and the other is 
> in org.eclipse.wst.server.  I'm actually not sure which of these two 
> the wizard draws from.  I see that his plugin.xml has declared facet 
> versions, module factories, and 
> org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtimes extensions, but he 
> has not added an org.eclipse.wst.server.core.runtimeType or serverType 
> extension point.
The purpose of defining a ESB runtime is for configuring  the classpath 
of the project to make sure it can compile successfully , and it has 
nothing to do with its running environment ,
so I have not add org.eclipse.wst.server.core.runtimeType or serverType 
extension point.   if your jboss server adapter can contain all the jars 
that esb needed, and then the esb runtime definition can be removed,
> I'm curious as to whether he has it able to start or stop the ESB or 
> where that code should actually belong... as technically the ESB is 
> really just a type of AS.  Ideally we wouldn't be duplicating code all 
> over the place...
no,  it can not start or stop the ESB , the only purpose of it described 


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