[jbosstools-dev] WebServices sample test projects

Aliaksey Nis anis at exadel.com
Tue Sep 16 07:45:02 EDT 2008

Hello Denny,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 5:34:53 AM, you wrote:

DX> How the sample project should look like?   just need create a project
DX> and put some stuffs such as
DX> WSDL file, then provide a text file to describe how to run the sample,
DX> right?

DX> Max, should Grid and I provide it.

DX> Denny

Yes. Just a simple test project with Web Services usage. This will
help us in testcases creation.

DX> Aliaksey Nis wrote:
>> For creating Web Servises testcases we need example project. Web
>> Servises usage must be expected in these sample projects.

Best regards,
 Aliaksey                            mailto:anis at exadel.com

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