[jbosstools-dev] Re: Trunk is now open for Eclipse 3.5 commits

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Thu Apr 16 08:42:31 EDT 2009

And you installed it by a complete fresh install or by upgrading your 
existing Eclipse 3.4 ?

The latter will give problems.


feng.qian wrote:
> En, it is too puzzling. My enviroment is linux too and Eclipse 3.5M6, 
> WTP 3.1M6.
>> Eclipse 3.5M6, WTP 3.1M6, the current JBoss Tools trunk on Windows
>> Eclipse 3.5M6, WTP 3.1M6 on Linux
>> Snjeza
>> feng.qian wrote:
>>> Yes, I have checked the configuration, but I can not find any error 
>>> information and all the plugins are loaded.
>>> What do you run eclipse on? Windows or Linux?
>>>> I can create a dynamic web project as well as a Seam project using 
>>>> Eclipse 3.5M6 and WTP 3.1M6.
>>>> You probably have a problem with your configuration. Check if all 
>>>> required plugins are loaded.
>>>> Snjeza
>>>> feng.qian wrote:
>>>>> Hi Max,
>>>>> When I try to create a dynamic web project, a error 
>>>>> occured:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
>>>>> org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.wizard.J2EEComponentFacetCreationWizardPage.createWorkingSetGroupPanel(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;[Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/eclipse/ui/dialogs/WorkingSetGroup; 
>>>>> and can't create it.
>>>>> I think it is a wtp issue, not our tools. How should we handle it?
>>>>> BTW, I use eclipse M6 + wtp3.1M6
>>>>> Grid
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Nick moved the builds to use Eclipse 3.5 drivers - please commit 
>>>>>> the 3.5 changes needed ASAP so we can get the builds running.
>>>>>> Don't forget to link to the jira or related jiras for 
>>>>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBIDE-4123 and if you find 
>>>>>> other things that are relevant
>>>>>> to adjust for changes in Eclipse 3.5 add them (i.e. Use Configure 
>>>>>> menu introduced in Eclipse 3.5 instead of polluting the context 
>>>>>> menu or
>>>>>> Use Library extension point etc. - hint hint ; )
>>>>>> /max 
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