[jbosstools-dev] Freemarker #include paragraph

Dmitry Geraskov dgeraskov at exadel.com
Fri Feb 13 09:03:53 EST 2009


freemarker allows us include one template into another, but if included 
template contains a few lines the formatting is broken. For example:
person.ftl :
        <#include "Key.ftl">
        <Column name="name">

In this situation output file will be the following:
        <Column name="name">

If we want to get formatted file at the output we need to change 
included file - it is ugly solution.

Anybody know how to get formatted file at the output(without special 
formatting tools)?

Best regards,

 Dmitry Geraskov              
 dgeraskov at exadel.com
 Senior Developer
 Exadel Inc

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