[jbosstools-dev] Good example of what works and what doesn't in JBoss Tools
Snjezana Peco
snjeza.peco at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 19:51:09 EDT 2010
The following are my comments on
and a patch for JBIDE-6596
> 4. Open a command shell, navigate to your project directory and run:
> mvn install eclipse:eclipse
The maven-eclipse-plugin plugin is deprecated. The project should be
imported using the Import>Maven>Existing Maven Projects m2eclipse action.
> 9. JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
> web.xml: All comments are stripped after project import, must restore
original web.xml from svn
> (not an issue with JBoss Tools 3.1).
This problem is related to webtools and is described in
The problem was also existing in JBoss Tools 3.1 when the JBoss Maven
Seam Configurator was included.
> 10. m2eclipse issues:
The version of JRE isn't important for EAR project because an EAR
project doesn't contain Java sources.
The problem related to application.xml is described in
There is a patch for it.
> 11. JBoss Tools (or m2eclipse?) issue:
> The EAR module's src/application folder should be source folder.
Since EAR projects don't contain Java source files, that is unnecessary.
JBoss Tools doesn't configure Java capabilities for any project, so that
is related to m2eclipse.
> 12. JBoss Tools issue:
> Schema validation for some resource files fails due to use of Maven
property placeholders. The > target resource files should be correct, so
they are the files that should be validated.
This problem can be fixed in the following way:
- add the components.properties file to the classpath which contains
all required maven properties. In the component.xml file, those
properties should be declared as "@property_name@"
"Duplicate component" errors are marked correctly because there are
several same components declared in ejb and war projects.
> 13. EAR Deployment assembly
> JBoss Tools 3.2 Issues:
> * seam-tutorial-ejb module has wrong naming:
seam-tutorial-ejb.ejb. Should be named
> seam-tutorial-ejb.jar
> * Resource files should be published from the EAR target folder
due to filtering of
> resource files and generating of application.xml and jboss.app.xml
during the Maven
> generate-sources goal.
This issue is related to https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-4809. You
can use the bundleFileName element as a workaround. The problem is an
m2eclipse problem.
> 14. Web Deployment assembly
> JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
> Resource files should be published from WAR target folder due to
filtering of resource files
> during the Maven generate-sources goal.
The WTP configurator publishes war projects. It is part of m2eclipse.
Anyway, resources are published to WEB-INF/classes and exist in the
classpath of the application which is correct in my opinion. The
messages_xx.properties files have to be in the classpath, for instance.
> 17. Publish
> JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
> Seam jar is published to a separate folder but should be published to
ear root folder.
This is a JBoss Tools AS deployer problem
(https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-6596). Attached is a patch.
Andersen Max wrote:
> hi,
> @leifoolsen posted this http://www.glxn.net/seam-maven-refimpl/doc/tutorial/05-eclipse-3.6-worklog.html
> this is him explaining how to use JBoss Tools + Maven on a seam project.
> The walkthrough illustrates how resource filtering in maven + the WTP assembly is fighting against each other ;(
> it also shows that he also bumped into JBIDE-6596 with respect to lib/jboss-seam.jar.
> Its an excellent read to see some of the problems we are facing....
> /max
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