[jbosstools-dev] JBT 3.2.1.CR4 / JBDS 4.1.0.CR4 status - respins in progress, 6 outstanding issues left

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Thu Jul 21 18:43:29 EDT 2011

AFAICT, there are 6 outstanding issues left for CR4 / GA.

== JBT 3.2.1.CR4 ==

JBIDE-9346 - already fixed for 4.x stream, but JIRA encompasses both 
streams. Will close when TP respins are done for 5.x stream too.


JBIDE-8848 - will be fixed when we have the 3.2.1.Final bits available 
to replace the 3.2.0.Final + Teiid 7.1.1 composite site.


== JBDS 4.1.0.CR4 ==

JBDS-1788 - bounced to Jiri for comments re: PMD installation issue

JBDS-1789 - bounced to Barry to verify latest Teiid fixes are included 
in JBT/JBDS when stack is done spinning

JBDS-1711 - "bpel.cheetsheet does not exist" - I think this just a user 
error (incomplete steps to repro) but it's been bounced to Jiri see if 
he can cause it to fail again

JBDS-1784 - done, but awaiting a respin of the installer to verify 
(Upgrade bundled EAP to 5.1.1)


FWIW, there are 5 JIRA which are set to be fixed in 4.1.0.GA rather than 
an earlier target. Is that kosher?


Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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