[jbosstools-dev] CDI in Infinispan meet JBoss Tools … Re: CDI Solder/Config example project…

Alexey Kazakov akazakov at exadel.com
Thu Sep 22 13:55:11 EDT 2011

On 09/22/2011 06:56 AM, Kevin Pollet wrote:
> I've made a test and I've got the same behavior. On the Cache 
> injection point I've got a warning saying that "no bean is eligible 
> for injection".

I updated to 5.1.0.ALPHA2 but still have the same problem with 
unsatisfied dependency for /@Inject Cache*<String, String>* defaultCache;/
This is a bug of JBoss CDI/Seam Solder Tools which can't resolve 
parametrized beans correctly. If you change injection to /@Inject Cache 
defaultCache; /then CDI Tools will resolve it to the corresponding 
producer. I've created an issue - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9763

Other things seem to work. I can override default cash manager and cash 
configuration and JBT picks them up.

> Which classes/annotations are missing?
> I've just seen that I've missed to mention that 
> /@ConfigureCache/ annotation is only available since Infinispan 
> 5.1.0.ALPHA1 (this annotation was previously named /@Infinispan /in 
> 5.0/5.0.1).

I used 5.0.1.Final and didn't find /@ConfigureCache/ there. No problem 
with 5.1.0.
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