[jbosstools-dev] JBT/JBDS Target Platforms updated - now missing org.eclipse.pde.api.tools.ee.fragments! (was Re: JBT/JBDS Target Platform for Beta1 -- time to update?)
Denis Golovin
dgolovin at exadel.com
Mon Feb 6 18:37:00 EST 2012
Verified local product build and it is happy with new target platform.
The only warnings are
[eclipse.buildScript] Some inter-plug-in dependencies have not been
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.eclipse.m2e.usagedata:
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.eclipse.bpel.ui:
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle
[java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in
On 02/04/2012 09:28 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> The SR1-M requirements mirror will now include these updated versions of
> Eclipse.org dependencies:
> -<child location='../../requirements/indigo/201112221140-SR1-M/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/indigo/201202012328-SR1-M/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/bpel/0.8.0.v20111120-0746-H98-CI/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/bpel/0.8.0.v20120202-0453-H135-CI/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/bpmn2-modeler/20120105-0830/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/bpmn2-modeler/201201302358/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/ecf/3.5.3/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/ecf/3.5.4/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/eclipse/3.7.2.M20111214-1406/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/eclipse/3.7.2.M20120201-1336/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/emf/2.7.2.v20111031-1121/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/emf/2.7.2.v20120130-0943/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/mylyn/3.6.4.v20111118-0100/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/mylyn/3.6.5.I20120201-0822/'/>
> -<child location='../../requirements/webtools/3.3.2-20120112170214/'/>
> +<child location='../../requirements/webtools/3.3.2-20120126205453/'/>
> However, due to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-10796, the
> org.eclipse.pde.api.tools.ee.fragments feature on our TP no longer
> exists and therefore I'm going to have to (temporarily? permanently?)
> remove it. If you rely on this feature, and need it put back, let me
> know in the above JIRA.
> Anyway, the SR1-M target platforms are updated. If you're broken as a
> result, shoot me a JIRA.
> Cheers,
> Nick
> On 02/03/2012 10:47 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>> Note that this change is still underway and should hopefully be done
>> later today. Been having some problems w/ the Indigo site not being able
>> to find the Eclipse Platform bits.
>> >> /home/hudson/RHDS/updates/requirements/indigo/build.xml:27: Messages
>> while mirroring artifact descriptors.
>> >> Artifact not found: packed:
>> org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.rcp,3.7.2.v20120120-1424-9DB5FmnFq5JCf1C957R-kz0S0272.
>> After this TP change, we have 3 others queued up for approval, which
>> should happen before we freeze for Beta1:
>> JBDS-2001: eGit 1.3
>> JBDS-1998: Subclipse 1.8
>> JBIDE-10659: m2e-wtp 0.15
>> Nick
>> On 01/26/2012 03:19 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>> OK, but bear in mind I'll still have to do it again after the SR2 bits
>>> are actually in the can.
>>> Pencilling this in for Monday, barring other +1/-1 comments.
>>> On 01/26/2012 02:22 PM, Len DiMaggio wrote:
>>>> I'd vote for doing this early - in other words next week. It sounds like
>>>> it's unlikely that there will be a major issue, but if there is a
>>>> problem it's better to find it sooner.
>>>> --Len
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From: *"Nick Boldt"<nboldt at redhat.com>
>>>> *To: *external-exadel-list at redhat.com, "jbds-pm-list"
>>>> <jbds-pm-list at redhat.com>, jbosstools-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>>> *Sent: *Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:20:39 AM
>>>> *Subject: *JBT/JBDS Target Platform for Beta1 -- time to update?
>>>> About a month ago, I created a new Target Platform [1], [2] for use
>>>> with
>>>> our trunk builds so we'd be using the latest from Eclipse.org as they
>>>> move toward SR2.
>>>> On Jan 20, the first release candidate (RC1) for Eclipse Indigo SR2 was
>>>> dropped. There are 3 more planned on Feb 3, 10 and 17, with GA on Feb
>>>> 24. Chances are there will be little to no changes between now and
>>>> their GA.
>>>> Would next week be a good time to bump up the TPs to newer content? Or
>>>> should we wait until closer to the Feb 16 code freeze? Bear in mind
>>>> we'll want to update AGAIN before we drop Beta1 so that the bits public
>>>> on eclipse.org will match exactly those against which we built.
>>>> Note too that changing the TP DURING a QE cycle will guarantee a respin
>>>> is needed.
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/target-platform_3.3.indigo.SR1-M/
>>>> [2]
>>>> http://www.qa.jboss.com/binaries/RHDS/updates/jbds-target-platform_3.3.indigo.SR1-M/
>>>> --
>>>> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
>>>> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools& Dev Studio
>>>> http://nick.divbyzero.com
>>>> --
>>>> Len DiMaggio (ldimaggi at redhat.com)
>>>> JBoss by Red Hat
>>>> 314 Littleton Road
>>>> Westford, MA 01886 USA
>>>> tel: 978.392.3179
>>>> cell: 781.472.9912
>>>> http://www.redhat.com
>>>> http://community.jboss.org/people/ldimaggio
>>>> <http://www.redhat.com>
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