[jbosstools-dev] Status of Trunk jobs (JBT 3.4 / JBDS 6.0) - 13 components have test failures, everything else building blue

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Sun Jul 1 22:17:41 EDT 2012

Congrats, team - most trunk jobs are now blue when built against the new 
Juno SR0 target platform (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-11469).

However, a few are still not quite building correctly and are thus red:

AS: test timeout >1800s. Could be long-running or stuck test?
CDI: SVN checkout failure - probably fine
Central: test failing w/ error code 134
Forge: ui.test plugin contains no tests
Freemarker: test failing w/ error code 134
Hibernate Tools: test timeouts >3600s. Could be long-running or stuck test?
JMX: test timeout >1800s. Could be long-running or stuck test?
JMX: test failing w/ error code 134
JSF: array index out of bounds trying to send email (wtf?)

These jobs are yellow (warning - test errors/failures):


I have not opened JIRAs for these issues because it's Canada Day here 
(and it's a Sunday, too).

If component owners (or Denis or Mickael) wanted to open these issues as 
subtasks or linked issues of 
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-11549, I'd really appreciate it.

Also, Mickael if you have any insight into what error code 134 is 
(surefire/tycho/maven), please feel free to throw that information into 
this email or the new JIRAs to be opened.


As a reminder, tomorrow is a holiday here in Canada so I'll be offline 
most of the time but may check email sporadically.

Thanks everyone!

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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