[jbosstools-dev] Moving trunk to Juno stream :: please ignore the mess while we're remodelling to serve you better

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Mon May 28 16:18:41 EDT 2012

With CR1 in QE's hands and the list of bugs ebbing (I hope!) I've 
started migrating trunk to be our Juno release stream. (I know we can't 
yet build everything on Juno due to Hibernate, but we need the 
infrastructure in place so that when that code CAN be fixed, it can then 
also be build.)

This means updating webpages on download.jboss.org, cloning/tweaking 
jobs (JBIDE-12037), spinning up new target platforms, etc. Some things 
may break in the short term while jobs are set up and assumed URLs 
slowly fill in. If you find anything broken, please report it in one of 
the issues below, as appropriate, or fire me a new one if you need to.



Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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