[jbosstools-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests #1601

ci-builds at redhat.com ci-builds at redhat.com
Sun Oct 7 01:25:15 EDT 2012

See <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/1601/changes>


[snjeza] JBIDE-12809 - Memory leaks in JBoss Central editor

[nickboldt] add note about PDE rebuild to build.xml script

[nickboldt] new site builder for because findbugs uses ant to build, not PDE or Tycho

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12793
Test is added.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12793
Code modified to simplify dialog testing.

[scabanovich] File.listFiles() may return null. Check File.isDirectory() is not 100% safe; another thread or process may remove the directory right between File.isDirectory() and File.listFiles().

[nickboldt] add m2e site to central root pom

[nickboldt] remove http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/requirements/m2eclipse/m2e-wtp-juno/ from central's root pom

[nickboldt] switch to android_32 image

[nickboldt] JBDS-2278, JBIDE-12498, JBIDE-12497, JBIDE-11167, JBDS-2235 - add GWT Designer/WB and Android Tools to Central

[nickboldt] point default juno extras site to new SR0b site (includes newer GWT 3.1.0 instead of 3.0.1; hope that won't break any Alpha2 users)

[ldimaggio] Added generalized method for actions and listeners to deal with random cases of editor not being active

[nickboldt] link parent pom to specific version of extras site -- SR0b (JBDS-2278)

[nickboldt] add extras site SR0b - includes updated 3rd party stuff for Central (JBDS-2278)

[nickboldt] new android dev tools 20.0.3 mirror

[nickboldt] update eclipse-cs to 2.0.2 nightly build (JBDS-2284, JBDS-2347)

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-12534
Some key combinations don't work in JBT XHTML Editor

Issue is fixed

[vpakan at redhat.com] Fixes for JBT 4.0.0.Alpha2

[ldimaggio] Corrected reference to combo box in editor/ESBActionFactory.java
Removed unnecessary  debug statements in NewProjectUsingBundledInSOA.java

[mickael_istria] New Cool mojos for target-platform manipulation:
* merge target files
* mirror target file as p2 repo (buggy)

[fbricon] remove unused OSGI-INF folder

[xcoulon] Removing unused import and unused @SuppressWarning annotation

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12790 - Broken tests after common validation rework 
Fixed - JBIDE-12774 - Application validation error marker wont disappear 
Fixed - JBIDE-12795 - JAX-RS application is not removed from metamodel as it should

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12804
Report an error when a JAX-RS @HttpMethod annotation has an invalid value

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12799
Remove AllTests testsuite class, configure surefire to pick all Test classes instead

[nickboldt] use a smaller date string to avoid blowing the register and ending up with 15602613d instead of 2d as age of folder

[nickboldt] use H and B convention when parsing dates

[dgolovin] added .gitkeep to avoid deleting directory during migration to git

[dgolovin] added .gitkeep to keep it during migration

[dgolovin] removed reference to empty directory from build.properties file

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12793
Code modified to simplify dialog testing.

[dgolovin] removed missing folder referenced in build.properties

[dgolovin] removed empty folders, adjusted build.properties  and .classpath files

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12781
Templates for JSF 2.1 project.

[scabanovich] Removed System.out

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 fix dependencies not being properly seen as resolved

[nickboldt] add add.repo.properties task to all aggregate site builds; add cleanup (JBIDE-12432)

[nickboldt] cleanup temp folder when done; list more features to tweak

[nickboldt] improvements to target-platforms/scripts/build.xml in support of JBIDE-12432

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12793
Action and dialog 'Register As Service' are implemented.

[dazarov] Duplicate OpenOns (hyperlinks) in faces-config.xml for property name https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12801

[dgolovin] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12789 ESBCoreValidator.java - compilation errors in trunk - did something change?
minimal executin environment is set JavaSE-1.6 to fix compilation problems

[dgolovin] fix for compilation errors in maven.common.test plugin

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12778 EL completition doesn't understand Seam EntityHome<E> anymore

[mickael_istria] Ultimate fix on the dependency plugin.

[mickael_istria] Copy-paste typo...

[mickael_istria] Re-added dependency plugin

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Use new target-platform-utils plugin to "flatten" targets from multiple

[mickael_istria] A target-platform-utils maven plugin

[nickboldt] new prototype script for adding p2 stats to an existing repo -- need to convert to Ant so it can be called by Maven (JBIDE-12432)

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 delete all non (source / JRE / Maven) classpath entries

[psrna] increased timeout for continueInstall to 40m (was 20m)

[psrna] * Added catch for Timeout Exception to recognize if the installation failed because it took to long.

[nickboldt] link to both juno and indigo dev sites for core AND soa

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 add monitor to identify method

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 close opened jar file.

[nickboldt] rename index.html to README.html so the dir can be browsed to see child projects underneath

[nickboldt] move index to README so that this folder is browseable; link to modeshape; update README blurb; provide composite*.xml files instead of empty site.xml

[nickboldt] purge existing workspace folder to ensure we're not combining releases

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Fix typo

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Get parent pom to consume new target-platforms

[ljelinko] Started to use Red Deer

[ljelinko] use embedded maven

[jpeterka] Minor updates and javadoc updates in hb ui bot tests

[jpeterka] Workarounds for JBIDE-12796 in hb ui bot JPA generation tests

[jpeterka] Updated javadoc in hb bot ui CreateConfigurationFileTest

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Use groupIds for each "version" and keep artifactId to distinguish "type"

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Remove default enablement of local.site based on property. This profile will be deprecated.

[psrna] swtbot search timeout increased to 15s

[psrna] Use SR1 as default

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Remove default setting of local.site on hudson profile since we replace local.site by jenkins.target

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12786 fix for inconsistant test results

[mickael_istria] Close welcome screen to ensure Central gets enough space to work.

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12495 to trunk

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-11687 remove unnecessary chunk of configuration -- now building on 6 platforms in parent pom so don't need to state the same thing in other tests'/plugins' poms

[nickboldt] use commandline flags that match values in the jobs

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12778 EL completition doesn't understand Seam EntityHome<E> anymore

[psrna] Fixed iniFile initialization on Mac OSX and invalid thread access when invoking tests on mac osx.

[nickboldt] add support for SR0b build

[nickboldt] space error

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] add README back and remove eclipse platform binary -- no tars in SVN

[nickboldt] rename poms for consistency

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-10312 refactor the crap outta mistria's stuff so that scripts are reused and only .target and pom files need to be in multiple places; create jbosstools-JunoSR1, jbosstools-JunoSR0b, jbdevstudio-JunoSR1, jbdevstudio-JunoSR0b targets; update 0b versions to include what we had for Alpha1, but with newer GWT 3.1; fix README; add profiles to root pom to run the 4 target builds

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12778

[ldimaggio] Added a reference to a tracking JIRA to Editing.java (JBQA-7100)
Corrected String typo in ESBActionFactory.java

[ldimaggio] Found a way to activate the editor - just a save() and a show()

[ldimaggio] Still trying to get the editor to activate

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12788
Support web-facesconfig_2_1.xsd in Faces Config editor.

[ldimaggio] Still trying

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12792 Disable WTP JSF View validator for JBT JSF projects

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12788

[ldimaggio] Still trying to activate the editor

[ldimaggio] Trying to force the activation of the editor.

[fbricon] JBIDE-12727 : JAXRS facet incorrectly activated

[mickael_istria] Clean target-platforms folder

[ldimaggio] Actions editor is not activated by SWTBot on Jenkins - this is diff from behavior locally - trying to activate it in the test.

[apodhrad] Added computation for absolute position of a figure

[ldimaggio] Still debugging edit test on Jenkins - is the editor not active?

[ldimaggio] Still debugging adding a service for editing actions.

[psrna] Fix installFromCentral to support the jboss.discovery.directory.url parameter

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12790 - Broken tests after common validation rework

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12762 - NLS unused messages in Jaxrs validator

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 Use refactoring API to delete converted dependencies

[jpeterka] Hibernate console added to HB ui bot example project and project classpath is fixed

[ldimaggio] Test cannot find the services tree - this is failing on Jenkins - working locally. Adding call to org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.SWTUtilExt.displayAllBotWidgets(editor.bot()); and a sleep statement.

[xcoulon] Removing wrong method comment

[fbricon] N&N for examples

[mickael_istria] Fix installFromCentral to support the jboss.discovery.directory.url parameter

[fbricon] Remove unnecessary ResourceCleaner, now that we use m2e-wtp's

[fbricon] JBIDE-12529 Use refactoring API to delete converted dependencies

[ldimaggio] Restored Editing tests

[jpeterka] Classpath for hb4 related project updated

[jpeterka] hibernate4 updated to up-to-date (4.1.7) version in hb ui bot tests

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12786 fix for inconsistant test results

[max.andersen at jboss.com] fixed linking and put important news upfront

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] NPE JBIDE-12769

[dmaliarevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12680 - Visual Editor Component N&N update for Alpha2

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] n&n for alpha2

[dgolovin] fix for compilation errors in cenral tests

[nickboldt] remove obsolete scripts, images, and log files from the JBT 3.1/3.2 era (JBIDE-12475)

[ldimaggio] Commented out actions test - running locally until resolved

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12771
Added comment to EclipseJavaUtil.findType() and removed code that tries to find type in package roots when IJavaProject.findType() fails.

[fbricon] JBIDE-12527 : test convert War/EAR references

[fbricon] JBIDE-12527 : convert EAR references

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Fail earlier

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Added jenkins.target profile

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Fix God'damn file name!

[fbricon] JBIDE-12527 : convert EAR references

[nickboldt] calculate BUILD_ALIAS from parent pom version as recorded in the build log so we can use trunk version of this script in stable branch; also switch from Hxxx to Bxxx as build number suffix

[psrna] * fixed unzip new File(".")

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12773: Jenkins target-platfoms (same as unified, but using local FS URL)

[jjankovi] new tests implemented + useful method added into test base class

[jjankovi] delete needless classes from test projects

[jjankovi] new test project added

[adietish] [JBIDE-12772] opened version range for required jgit plugin (was: [1.1.0, 2.1.0), now:1.1.0) to allow installation on juno sr1

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Fix support of SRn

[fbricon] https://community.jboss.org/message/761721/ more robust null check

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Fix typo

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 : use stacksId for compatible examples

[vpakan at redhat.com] Fixes for JBT 4.0.0.Alpha2

[fbricon] update to newly released plugins

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Fix unified.target to point to updates/juno/SR1

[jjankovi] commented workaround out for ws tests + minor fixes and addons

[jjankovi] fix for test project app2

[jjankovi] fix for test project app1

[jjankovi] new test project for ws bot tests

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Fix updates/juno/SR1 content to consume latest TP build.

[ldimaggio] Added more logging to ExampleTest.java - seeing inconsistent results running on Mac with Jenkins

		log.info("Example name=" + getExampleName());
		log.info("SWTJBTExt.isRunningOnMacOs() = " + SWTJBTExt.isRunningOnMacOs());
		log.info("bot.shell(\"Java - Eclipse Platform\").isActive()" + bot.shell("Java - Eclipse Platform").isActive() );
		log.info("configuredState.getServer().type" + configuredState.getServer().type);

[scabanovich] JBIDE-9443
New Service Provider wizard, keywords are added.

[nickboldt] use updates/integration/juno/soa-tooling/modeshape instead of just updates/integration/juno/soa-tooling when naming the sites

[nickboldt] exclude *.ml, *.html files when scanning sftp folders for child folders

[nickboldt] parameterize /all/repo/ as childFolderSuffix; pass in from Jenkins and publish.sh script

[nickboldt] add check for checkTimeStamps = 1

[nickboldt] remove trailing slash

[nickboldt] work one folder up, in PARENT_FOLDER instead of PARENT_FOLDER/PROJECT_NAME

[nickboldt] fix example

[nickboldt] fix commandline args to use flags that match those in Jenkins

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12662: regenerate composite metadata in updates/// folder for all children

[nickboldt] use new commandline args when calling jbosstools-cleanup.sh (JBIDE-12662)

[nickboldt] replace simple cmndline args with better flag processing; support optional override to NOT delete folders; set better defaults for folders to scan (JBIDE-12662)

[fbricon] JBIDE-11997 Move the hibernate templates and library providers out of org.jboss.tools.maven.core into org.jboss.tools.maven.hibernate

[nickboldt] reorder .target files to match mistria's ordering

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Publish TP site to "official" locations

[nickboldt] point pom and .target files at SR1, not SR0

[ldimaggio] Updated ExampleTest to narrow the criteria for dealing with the SOA-P server's extra window:
   if ( (SWTJBTExt.isRunningOnMacOs()) && (!bot.shell("Java - Eclipse Platform").isActive()) && (configuredState.getServer().type.equals("SOA")) )

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Fix URL in jbds-unified

[sbunciak] Mac OS Java fix

[fbricon] JBIDE-12732 : properly configure workspace dependencies of SAR projects

[yradtsevich] Removed outdated xulrunner plugin

[fbricon] Fix some annoying test failures

[sbunciak] Version fix

[rhopp] tests maintenance

[sbunciak] Created minimal Jenkins test suite

[rhopp] tests maintenance

[psrna] * added mirrorSite, use -Dmirror="your mirror site" to download eclipse from another eclipse mirror site.

[rhopp] maintenance of tests.

[jjankovi] ignore test in archive - maybe will no be implemented ever JBIDE-12697

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12563 initialize the action from the given selection provider

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Fix publish script

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12229 part 2

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: 3-step workflow for jbds.target

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2341: Copy JBDS to target-platforms.

[mickael_istria] Use SR1-experimental URL for Target-platforms.

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12508: Fix in script

[mickael_istria] JBDS-2276: Updated multiple.target to use Juno SR1

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12427 fix dual-license issue (now only EPL) and update copyright date to 2012 with note about previous mistaken license terms

[ldimaggio] Removed try/catch block just added to ext/ExampleTest.java, changed 30 sec sleep to 10 sec in ext/view/ConsoleView.java

[ldimaggio] Added try/catch block for finding Downloading dialog - this is failing on Mac/Jenkins slaves */

[nickboldt] validate both multiple.target and jbds.target as they're no longer identical

[nickboldt] update target platform to SR1

[nickboldt] update target platform to SR1

[nickboldt] update target platform to SR1

[nickboldt] update target platform to SR1

[nickboldt] move from 4.0.juno.SR0a to 4.0.juno.SR1-experimental so as to not conflict with other published TP (until we're ready to flip over to the new system completely, including generating jbds.target separately from multiple.target

[nickboldt] bump up versions to Juno SR1

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove empty folder

[nickboldt] remove unneeded folder

[nickboldt] rename target-platform/ to target-platform_3.2.helios.SR2/

[nickboldt] remove target-platform_3.3.indigo

[nickboldt] remove target-platform_trunk/

[nickboldt] update updates/index.html

[nickboldt] bump up from 4.2.1RC to 4.2.1.Final

[nickboldt] bump up from 4.2.1RC to 4.2.1.Final

[nickboldt] bump up from 4.2.1RC to 4.2.1.Final; remove swtbot, birt, gwt

[nickboldt] bump up from 4.2.1RC to 4.2.1.Final; add new convenience targets for jbt, jbds-update, jbt-update

[ldimaggio] Added more logging - seems to be a new flakey problem with console switching - added a new sleep too.

[ldimaggio] Added more logging - seems to be a new flakey problem with console switching.

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12760 - JAX-RS error message "Failed to analyse compilation unit methods" when editing method body

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12754
Test is added.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12754
Required super classes were by mistake handled as required interfaces.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12538
Setting problem type to instance of ELValidator created in tests.

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[adietish] corrected javadoc

[snjeza] JBDS-2338 -  on installation of JBDS Core Features feature (BYOE) Central appears on top of Welcome screen

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12759 org.jboss.tools.jsf.test.validation.JSF2ComponentsValidatorTest failure

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-8924
Code completion for EL functions doesn't work for complex ELs. 

JUnit Test is added
*.jsf.test/*jsf.ui.test tests setup is optimized

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-8924
Code completion for EL functions doesn't work for complex ELs. 

JUnit Test is added
*.jsf.test/*jsf.ui.test tests setup is optimized

[snjeza] JBIDE-12757 - implement maven override flag for download runtime urls

[ldimaggio] Updated ConsoleView to deal with console switching failing on Mac OS X - JBQA-7083

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[dmaliarevich] N&N in VPE for Alpha2

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] unit test cleanup dear god hope it works

[jjankovi] added Jenkins test suite for struts

[dgolovin] fix for trunk compilation errors

[ldimaggio] Updated ExampleTest.java to deal with JBQA-7081 - Need to add this to deal with the extra UI window (un-named) that is opened for the SOA/ESB tests during the startup of an SOA-P server in eclipse/JBDS.

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[dgolovin] restord assembly.xml to fix build errors in tests component

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] reverting two commits for JBIDE-12748

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12741 CDI (and other JBT common validators) is disabled for workspace if you disable it for project

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12748 part 2 , the website

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12748 part 1 to trunk

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12538

[adietish] split wizard package into distinct parts

[adietish] split wizard package into distinct parts

[adietish] split wizard package into distinct parts

[psuchy] edit pom.xml (debugging on jenkins)

[adietish] added DataBindingUtils#observeAndPrintValidationState to ease tracking of validation related bugs

[adietish] added DataBindingUtils#observeAndPrintValidationState to ease tracking of validation related bugs

[adietish] added DataBindingUtils#observeAndPrintValidationState to ease tracking of validation related bugs

[ljelinko] Added downloading of AS 7.0 and AS 6

[dmaliarevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9181 - tests for jsp templates were added.

[ljelinko] Added downloading of AS 7.0 and AS 6

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Remove useless files

[ljelinko] Added AS 7.0 and 6 to stable suite

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12582

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12582

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE_12751 small cleanup

[ljelinko] Created stable suite

[ljelinko] Created own implementation of HotDeployment and Delete test for each server version

[snjeza] JBIDE-12748 - Add Seam 2.3.0.Final to the downloadable runtimes

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12582 to trunk

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12730 to trunk runtime download workflow

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2291 add touchpoint to exclude old mylyn 3.6 site from being added to Eclipse when this feature's installed

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[scabanovich] JBIDE-9443
New Service Provider wizard. Test.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-9443
New Service Provider wizard. Test.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-9443
New Service Provider wizard.

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12475 script to fetch git repo and its upstream repos (if desired) by parsing <moduleName>/pom.xml for a bootstrap profile

[nickboldt] add bootstrap profiles for openshift and ws components, depending on the upstream base and server github repos (forthcoming); also add temporary equivalent bootstrap-svn profiles which can be used today w/ svn (JBIDE-12475)

[nickboldt] empty folder - contents moved to http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/scripted-installation/ (JBIDE-12747)

[nickboldt] link to new scripted-installation/ subfolder

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12747 move from build/installation to download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/scripted-installation

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12747 move from build/installation to download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/scripted-installation

[nickboldt] update for newer Kepler milestone

[nickboldt] update for SR1

[nickboldt] mark deprecated / disabled

[nickboldt] mark deprecated / disabled

[nickboldt] add SR1 comp req site

[nickboldt] fix child count in SR0a

[nickboldt] JBDS-2296 add m2eclipse-buildhelper and update other http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/m2e-extensions/ stuff

[xcoulon] [No JIRA] - Removing unused import

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12745 - Bad location for problem marker on JAX-RS Application

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12736 - Parameter substitution in JAX-RS validation messages is broken

[xcoulon] In progress - JBIDE-12595 - Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595
Fixed - JBIDE-12729 JAX-RS validation doesn't work at all - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12729

[dgolovin] Fixed usage of Integer and Boolean classes.

[nickboldt] JBDS-2283 get eclipse-cs 5.6

[scabanovich] JBIDE-9443
New Service Provider wizard.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Reduce initial size of array that normally has no more than 2 elements.

[nickboldt] empty folder

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12733 to trunk

[snjeza] JBIDE-12737 - Duplicate ECF transport classes

[ljelinko] Changed removing of runtimes to use API instead of bot.

[ljelinko] Added Seam tests

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12733 to trunk

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-12719
NPE when move mouse over EL from file from jar. 

NPE is fixed

[adietish] [JBIDE-12718] added username to wizard page title

[jjankovi] fix for server starting in bot.ext in Juno env

[adietish] [JBIDE-12715] forcing revalidation when getting back from ssh2 preferences

[fbricon] JBIDE-12723 Bump seam version to 2.3.0.Final

[snjeza] JBIDE-12726 - Search button not enabled

[ljelinko] Using JSF 2.0 for JSF portlets

[adietish] cleaned code

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] simple code cleanup, very safe, for runtime extension manager to be more clear

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12721 to trunk

[xcoulon] Adding N&N for the JAX-RS tooling

[snjeza] JBIDE-12726 - Search button not enabled

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12181 to trunk

[ljelinko] Added protocol to the download URL

[ljelinko] Updated GateIn URL

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Fix issue with file path

[fbricon] JBIDE-12711 Prevent projectExample to maintain welcomeUrl across different project generations for maven archetypes

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12722 to trunk

[dazarov] Configure Problem Severity should open project settings if they are enabled for the project https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12538

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12595 Disabling JAX-RS validator doesn't affect resources validation

[snjeza] JBIDE-12716 - Remove button does not work properly

[snjeza] JBIDE-12716 - Remove button does not work properly

[adietish] [JBIDE-12670] create N&N for usage

[adietish] [JBIDE-12669] corrected link to openshift

[adietish] [JBIDE-12669] created entry for JBoss Tools 4.0.0.Alpha2 in index.

[adietish] [JBIDE-12670] create N&N for usage

[snjeza] JBIDE-12716 - Remove button does not work properly

[adietish] [JBIDE-12688] wrote N&N for OpenShift

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Added warning

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717

[snjeza] JBIDE-12716 - Remove button does not work properly

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12717: Propagate errors

[fbricon] JBIDE-12530 Warn the user about unresolvable dependencies during maven conversion and add a link to Repository Management.

[snjeza] JBIDE-12714 - When two servers with same version are found only one is added

[fbricon] JBIDE-12551 : replaced Reset Button by stop/start identification buttons.

[ljelinko] Reverted back, tests are not ready

[jjankovi] Added Archive support menu label

[mickael_istria] Clean previous install

[snjeza] JBIDE-12710 - Exception is thrown when creating blank Java EE Web Project

[mickael_istria] Multi-platfrom getEclipse script

[adietish] corrected missing space btw. <username> and "via SSH key management"

[snjeza] JBIDE-12598 - Central does not open when the Welcome page is active

[snjeza] JBIDE-12598 - Central does not open when the Welcome page is active

[ljelinko] Added additional tests to stable suite

[mickael_istria] Fix theme labels

[ljelinko] Fixed issues with Preferences not closing

[ljelinko] Created stable test suite

[snjeza] JBIDE-12703 - Adding the runtime detection path manually

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12709 to trunk

[fbricon] JBIDE-12707 : be quiet about unresolved dependencies

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12706 to trunk

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12585 part1 to trunk

[fbricon] JBIDE-12707 : identify maven project dependencies

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12494 to trunk

[nickboldt] update index pages to fix/update/remove links

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12691 add common.core feature to webtools site; needed by runtime.core

[yradtsevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12318 : Test is failing on Eclipse Juno 4.2: SelectionLosingByPropertySheet_JBIDE4791.testSelectionLosingByPropertySheet

[nickboldt] add org.jboss.tools.runtime.core.feature to webtools-site/site.xml (JBIDE-12691)

[nickboldt] use SR0a for upstream dep resolution

[nickboldt] .gitignore file

[nickboldt] update site.xml to match Alpha1 release - this file is needed by WTP to read update site (it's too dumb to look for p2 metadata, IIRC)

[nickboldt] accidentally linked to un-QE'd Alpha2 build; revert to Alpha1

[adietish] [JBIDE-12642] fixed identifier for central feature

[nickboldt] remove 3.3.0.M5 from download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/juno/soa-tooling so as to not confuse people w/ an old Indigo milestone

[adietish] [JBIDE-12693] checking if there's a user before using it (wizard has no user when it is invoked from central. The user will only get set in the 1st wizard page)

[xcoulon] Applying fix for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-10287
Add support for JAX-RS Application

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12701 commit to trunk

[ljelinko] Fixed wrong adding of path

[vpakan at redhat.com] Wait for non ignored processes to finish before OpenOn if activated.

[jjankovi] fixing struts bot test - cleaning the server to properly display html content

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 add stacks-client to build.properties

[jjankovi] new archive swtbot test (JBQA-6991) implemented

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12695

[jjankovi] JBQA-6997 implemented

[ljelinko] Extracted Mac specific setup. Added selection of default JDK.

[jjankovi] JBQA-6998 test implemented

[nickboldt] release 4.0.0.Alpha2 to staging in http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/juno/; add new discovery plugin plugins/org.jboss.tools.central.discovery_1.1.0.Alpha2-v20120922-2327-B43.jar + update jbosstools-directory.xml

[snjeza] JBIDE-12665 - org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.management.as7.tests: An unexpected error occured (return code 13)

[nickboldt] add notes to swimlanes doc to define the new job workflows we'll need to implement

[fbricon] JBIDE-12550 Converting to maven project takes a lot of time

[nickboldt] Use new 4.0.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT version of parent pom in trunk

[nickboldt] Use new 4.0.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT version of parent pom in trunk

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Previous commit of FileAnyImpl commented "XModel file objects should not keep references to long strings." has a logic error in method set(String, String).

[xcoulon] JBIDE-10287 Add support for JAX-RS Application 
JBIDE-12633 Support for JAX-RS Application subclassing with configuration in web.xml

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-8924
Code completion for EL functions doesn't work for complex ELs. 

Issue is fixed

[nickboldt] add redirection indices and composite site metadata for modeshape. because apparently needed

[mickael_istria] Commented out Groovy-specific stuff from pom since it breaks build

[nickboldt] remove the -publish suffix from JOBNAME before using it in the path

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Avoid keeping IResource references.

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472	: files read from github can not be cached as their lastmodified date is 0.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[nickboldt] new promote script as used by SwitchYard and Modeshape

[fbricon] JBIDE-12254 : display archetype version in the Description field based on informations fetched from stacks.yml or project-example descriptor xml

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472	: properly get stacks url

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472	: Use JDF stacks to manage different archetype/runtime versions

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12659

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12494

[adietish] [JBIDE-10118] adding key with name only, if it's stored in ssh2 home, full path otherwise

[adietish] [JBIDE-12382] set titles to "Edit Domain" and "Create Domain" wizards

[adietish] [JBIDE-12357] set window title for "Edit Embedded Cartridges" wizard

[psrna] * fix: if InvalidFailureException is catched the test should fail. Added fail(message.toString());

[mickael_istria] Groovy version for testInstall

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] very small changes to UI to improve download runtime dialog

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implementation finished: corrected bugs with layout and validation status

[psrna] * add: install IUs selectively

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implementation finished: corrected bugs with layout and validation status

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 let the user select which runtime he wants to download

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] change button to hyperlink, looks better

[snjeza] JBIDE-12523 - runtime-soa duplicates unit tests

[snjeza] JBIDE-12523 - runtime-soa duplicates unit tests

[snjeza] JBIDE-12523 - runtime-soa duplicates unit tests

[max.andersen at jboss.com] test if trunk is closed

[max.andersen at jboss.com] Modeshape is dead - long live Modeshape

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12493 to trunk missing menu

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12583 to trunk

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12648

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Cache unique Path objects.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Reduce number of cached strings.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Reduce number of cached strings.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Do not keep EL model objects in ELReference.

[nickboldt] add README about modeshape's move to https://github.com/ModeShape/modeshape-tools

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Reduce maps in LinkCollection.

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Do not keep EL model objects in ELReference.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] corrected error text and link text. merged the 2 texts with links to a single one

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] corrected typo

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] add link to "ssh2 keys management" in "git clonging settings" wizard page. Added validation in "git cloning settings" wizard page that would error if user has no keys on OpenShift

[nickboldt] purge diagrams folder - see https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowToBuildJBossToolsWithMaven3 and https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowWeCreateOurUpdate-sitesWhatAreTheyWhichOneYouShouldUse instead

[nickboldt] purge empty folder

[nickboldt] purge empty folder

[nickboldt] purge empty folder

[nickboldt] purge empty folder

[nickboldt] purge empty folder

[yradtsevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-11588 : Open-on of EL from Visual Page Editor works incorrectly

[dmaliarevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9181 - jsp tags were made invisible, <vpe:any> was removed.

[akazakov] Added missing link from index to cdi-news-3.3.0.CR1.html

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] corrected class header

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] Replaced "Cancel" and "Finish" buttons by single "OK" button in manage ssh keys wizard

[adietish] corrected class header

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] removed SSH keys portion from NewDomainWizard, added link to ssh keys management wizard

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] added links to ssh prefs and validation

[ljelinko] Trying to load projects for import by focusing the table istead of pressing tab.

[ljelinko] Added setting of focus before pressing tab key.

[vpakan at redhat.com] Remove tag tests to make suite more stable.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] added "..." to "Manage SSH Keys"

[adietish] corrected formatting (for better readability)

[fbricon] Redirect m2e-wro4j update site to updates/m2e-extensions/m2e-wro4j

[ljelinko] Added wait for projects to load.

[fbricon] Update to m2e-wro4j to 1.0.1

[fbricon] Update to m2e-jdt-compiler to 1.0.1

[mickael_istria] Added m2e-wro4j into m2extensions

[ljelinko] Wait for the web page to appear

[fbricon] Update to m2e-apt 1.0.1

[ljelinko] Added logs to debug AWT toolkit problem on Mac

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12101 ensuring a removal for temp files

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12644 Weld extension: @Parameters

[ldimaggio] Added dependency to jdt

[nickboldt] bump pom to use latest from trunk (Alpha2, not 1)

[nickboldt] JBIDE-11318 fetch build/results/ builder for .aggregate jobs because we're no longer checking it out of SVN

[snjeza] JBIDE-12523 - runtime-soa duplicates unit tests

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 bump all jbpm plugins to 4.5.0 (largest version + 0.1.0)

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
XModel file objects should not keep references to long strings.

[snjeza] JBIDE-12604 - "Favorite @ Marketplace" button points to old version of JBT on marketplace.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implemented "Add new SSH key"

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12626

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 remove flow, jbpm4, jpdl4 from svn trunk - available from 4.0.0.Alpha1 branch or 3.3.x branch

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 bump all jbpm plugins to 4.5.0 (largest version + 0.1.0)

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] Unit test errors required changes to the unit test plugin

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 remove flow, jbpm4, jpdl4 from svn trunk - available from 4.0.0.Alpha1 branch or 3.3.x branch

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 remove flow, jbpm4, jpdl4 from svn trunk - available from 4.0.0.Alpha1 branch or 3.3.x branch

[nickboldt] deltacloud removed; link to new github repo migration jira and image, etc.

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12631 remove Flow from svn trunk - available from 4.0.0.Alpha1 branch or 3.3.x branch

[ljelinko] Trying to fix issue with headless awt toolkit on mac with jdk 1.7

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12635: Introduce a new property with default value and profile to simulate a "OR"

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-12630
EL Resolver incorrectly processes EL which uses java.util.Map 

JUnit Test Case ia added for the issue

[vrubezhny] JBIDE-12630
EL Resolver incorrectly processes EL which uses java.util.Map 

Issue is fixed

[ljelinko] Use zipped project instead of file system for import.

[ljelinko] Added dependency to jdt

[adietish] [JBIDE-12458] added deltacloud back to the components that get reported since this allows us to see if JBT is installed into Eclipses with pre-Alpha1 plugins

[adietish] [JBIDE-12642] added central to the components that are reported

[adietish] [JBIDE-12641] removed tptp from the components that are reported

[adietish] [JBIDE-12640] added forge to the components that are reported

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12449

[adietish] [JBIDE-12639] added openshift to the list of JBT components that shall be reported

[adietish] [JBIDE-12458] removed JBossToolsUsageRequestsTest since this was only a way to test if request were working with GA (had any effect).

[adietish] [JBIDE-12458] removed deltacloud from the components that shall be searched for and reported in usage

[adietish] [JBIDE-12458] removed launch config

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 missing messages

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 final move into o.j.ide.eclipse.as.wtp.core plugin

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12636

[dazarov] org.jboss.tools.jsf.text.ext.test failure https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12626

[dazarov] org.jboss.tools.jsf.text.ext.test failure https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12626

[nickboldt] remove deltacloud (JBIDE-12458)

[nickboldt] fix order and remove deltacloud (JBIDE-12458)

[nickboldt] remove deprecated build/component/ folder

[nickboldt] remove deltacloud from svn trunk - available from 4.0.0.Alpha1 branch or 3.3.x branch (JBIDE-12458)

[nickboldt] bump versions to 1.4.0

[ldimaggio] Updated ESB pom.xml to reference Alpha2:

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12634 Project>Validate doesn't trigger a full project validation by JBT Project validator

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implementing "Add new SSH key"

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implementing "Add new SSH key"

[jjankovi] fixing EAP from wsdl test

[apodhrad] JBQA-6489 fix

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 use proper url for project descriptor

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 Use JDF stacks to manage different archetype versions
JBIDE-12166 Support selection of "blank" archetypes

[fbricon] JBIDE-12472 : use stacksId for compatible examples

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] finished implementing "Add existing SSH key"

[ppalaga] New GateIn examples descriptor URL for JBT 4.0 Alpha2.

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-10287 Add support for JAX-RS Application

[dmaliarevich] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12557 - path to resource on server was updated.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implemented key removal

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12552: Fix bundleClass.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] committed latest openshift-java-client with IUser#deleteKey(name)

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 adding api to IDeployableServer because it otherwise lived inside an internal utility class

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12552: Pack plugin in feature

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12552: Make bundle a singleton since it has extensions

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12566: Composite target-platform

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12565: update profiles in parent pom.

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12563 npe bug

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12565: Fix typo in pom

[nickboldt] only call jbosstools-cleanup.sh for aggregate builds; components don't need to bother (JBIDE-8667)

[nickboldt] JBIDE-8667 after publishing a new build, call jbosstools-cleanup.sh to regen composite*.xml files in the builds/nightly/*/*/ folders

[nickboldt] stop cleaning bottests because we no longer produce them; use for loop instead of 5-6 method calls; parameterize values for numbuildstokeep and threshholdwhendelete so we can call this script from within publish/publish.sh (JBIDE-8667)

[nickboldt] use 4.0 instead of 3.4

[nickboldt] point at correct site

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12544 JSF Validation error in Java EE Web Project

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12591 Disable WTP Facelet validator for JBT JSF projects

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12591 Disable WTP Facelet validator for JBT JSF projects

[akazakov] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12591 Disable WTP Facelet validator for JBT JSF projects

[scabanovich] JBIDE-12479
Dispose reference to char[] of entire text of file in a cached substring.

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12583 more refactoring to resolve moved class(es)

[nickboldt] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-12583 more refactoring to resolve moved class(es)

[nickboldt] bump parent version and make runtime-soa depend on examples

[nickboldt] replace refs to org.jboss.tools.runtime.as.detector with org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core

[nickboldt] replace refs to org.jboss.tools.runtime.as.detector with org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core; add repository for http://download.jboss.org/drools/release/5.4.0.Final/org.drools.updatesite/; bump all versions from 1.3 to 1.4

[nickboldt] update req builders for findbugs, springIDE, eclipse-cs, testng (JBDS-2278)

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12629: Remove m2e-wtp requirement builder since it's already provided as part of m2eclipse/build.xml

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12629: Fix m2e.wtp version

[nickboldt] add .gitignore and .gitkeep files

[nickboldt] JBIDE-12583 o.j.t.runtime.as.detector classes are now in o.j.i.e.as.core, so use o.j.i.e.as.feature instead

[nickboldt] remove cruft from .target.p2mirror.xml scripts -- if the IU isn't in the .target, it should ALSO be removed from the mirror script

[nickboldt] bump version of m2e-wtp used by JBDS poms to 20120917-1234 snapshot

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] corrected "Manage SSH Keys" context-menu entry visibility (was always visible, but only enabled on user, now: only visible on user)

[nickboldt] bump up version of org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.feature.feature.group to from 2 other version (not so consistent, folks\!)

[nickboldt] bump up version of org.eclipse.m2e.wtp.feature.feature.group to from 2 other version (not so consistent, folks\!)

[nickboldt] remove requirements/m2e-wtp builder and update requirements/m2eclipse/build.xml (JBIDE-12629)

[nickboldt] bump up m2e-wtp version to latest milestone

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implemented binding and decoration. Renamed CustomControlDecorationUpdater to RequiredControlDecorationUpdater & moved to databinding package. Extracted AlphanumerStringValidator. Extracted SSH2Home extraction from DomainWizard to util-class.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] implemented binding and decoration. Renamed CustomControlDecorationUpdater to RequiredControlDecorationUpdater & moved to databinding package. Extracted AlphanumerStringValidator. Extracted SSH2Home extraction from DomainWizard to util-class.

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] corrected "Manage SSH Keys" context-menu entry visibility (was always visible, but only enabled on user, now: only visible on user)

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12629: Fix URL to reference aggregated TP site in unified.target

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12629: Added m2e-wtp to requirements/

[adietish] removed commented code

[adietish] [JBIDE-11912] added "Add existing SSH Key" dialog

[adietish] added N&N for OpenShift/Alpha1

[xcoulon] Fixed - JBIDE-12576 Improve the structure of JAX-RS Validator

[jpeterka] Profile activation on dummy test reverted (maven activation issue)

[adietish] corrected class header

[adietish] [JBIDE-12628]

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 publish method interface is using concrete classes

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 introduction of ijbossserver interface

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 cleanup on launch interfaces

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 cleanup on behavior interfaces

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 creation of IServerStatePollerType, movement if IModulePathFilter into api folder

[rob.stryker at jboss.com] JBIDE-12613 creation of IServerStatePollerType

[mickael_istria] Update target-platform to newer version of m2e-wtp.

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12552: Fix Themes IDs

[mickael_istria] JBIDE-12552: Cleaned previous bundle, fix build.properties

[nickboldt] point juno extras at SR0 (Alpha1 released) instead of SR0a (Alpha2 forthcoming)

[nickboldt] release 4.0.0.Alpha1 to http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/juno/; add new discovery plugin plugins/org.jboss.tools.central.discovery_1.1.0.Alpha1-v20120910-1152-H39.jar + update jbosstools-directory.xml

[nickboldt] release 4.0.0.Alpha1 to http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/webtools/juno/

[nickboldt] add juno/extras/SR0 site for use with Alpha1 site

[...truncated 39454 lines...]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.config.ui ................ SUCCESS [0.891s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.core ..................... SUCCESS [3.600s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.faces.core ............... SUCCESS [4.354s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.text.ext ................. SUCCESS [0.815s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.feature .................. SUCCESS [3.122s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.solder.core.test ......... SUCCESS [2:04.072s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.config.core.test ......... SUCCESS [1:31.263s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.config.ui.test ........... SUCCESS [1:19.630s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.core.test ................ SUCCESS [1:25.699s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.faces.core.test .......... SUCCESS [1:33.120s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam3.bot.test ................ SUCCESS [7.366s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.text.ext.test ............ SUCCESS [2:07.723s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.seam.test.feature ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.deltaspike.core ............... SUCCESS [0.911s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.deltaspike.feature ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.deltaspike.core.test .......... SUCCESS [1:12.996s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.cdi.deltaspike.test.feature ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] cdi.site .......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] birt.all .......................................... SUCCESS [0.098s]
[INFO] birt.plugins ...................................... SUCCESS [0.048s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.core ......................... SUCCESS [1.150s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.oda .......................... SUCCESS [0.755s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.oda.ui ....................... SUCCESS [3.570s]
[INFO] birt.features ..................................... SUCCESS [0.044s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.feature ...................... SUCCESS [3.736s]
[INFO] birt.tests ........................................ SUCCESS [0.044s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.core.test .................... SUCCESS [45.789s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.birt.test.feature ................. SUCCESS [2.987s]
[INFO] birt.site ......................................... SUCCESS [2:04.901s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.runtime.seam.detector ............. SUCCESS [4.018s]
[INFO] seam.tests ........................................ SUCCESS [0.055s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.runtime.seam.detector.test ........ SUCCESS [1:42.556s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.base.test .................... SUCCESS [7.742s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test .................... SUCCESS [4:41.606s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.pages.xml.test ............... SUCCESS [54.726s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.bot.test .................. SUCCESS [3.779s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test ...................... FAILURE [10.359s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.xml.test ..................... SUCCESS [49.881s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam121EAP.core.test .............. SUCCESS [3.599s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam121EAP.ui.test ................ SUCCESS [4.695s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam201GA.core.test ............... SUCCESS [2:23.154s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam201GA.ui.test ................. SUCCESS [2:19.240s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam202SP1.core.test .............. SUCCESS [2:38.682s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam202SP1.ui.test ................ SUCCESS [2:24.323s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam203CR1.core.test .............. SUCCESS [2:35.887s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam203CR1.ui.test ................ SUCCESS [2:23.389s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam211GA.core.test ............... SUCCESS [2:41.820s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam211GA.ui.test ................. SUCCESS [2:27.137s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam212GA.core.test ............... SUCCESS [2:43.359s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam212GA.ui.test ................. SUCCESS [2:39.487s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam220CR1.core.test .............. SUCCESS [2:46.043s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam220CR1.ui.test ................ SUCCESS [2:35.222s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam220GA.core.test ............... SUCCESS [2:43.011s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam220GA.ui.test ................. SUCCESS [2:30.956s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam221GA.core.test ............... SUCCESS [2:44.688s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam221GA.ui.test ................. SUCCESS [2:32.628s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seamfp.core.test .................. SUCCESS [0.869s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seamfp.ui.test .................... SUCCESS [3.510s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam.test.feature ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.runtime.seam.detector.feature ..... SUCCESS [3.587s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam230.core.test ................. SUCCESS [2:51.823s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.seam230.ui.test ................... SUCCESS [2:31.789s]
[INFO] seam.site ......................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] examples.all ...................................... SUCCESS [0.105s]
[INFO] examples.plugins .................................. SUCCESS [0.049s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.project.examples .................. SUCCESS [5.226s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.community.project.examples ........ SUCCESS [0.271s]
[INFO] examples.features ................................. SUCCESS [0.044s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.community.project.examples.feature  SUCCESS [4.286s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.project.examples.cheatsheet ....... SUCCESS [1.055s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.project.examples.feature .......... SUCCESS [3.133s]
[INFO] examples.tests .................................... SUCCESS [0.042s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.project.examples.test ............. SUCCESS [2:25.940s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.project.examples.test.feature ..... SUCCESS [3.470s]
[INFO] examples.site ..................................... SUCCESS [2:16.241s]
[INFO] maven.all ......................................... SUCCESS [0.064s]
[INFO] maven.plugins ..................................... SUCCESS [0.049s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.core ........................ SUCCESS [1.622s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.ui .......................... SUCCESS [3.839s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.conversion.ui ............... SUCCESS [4.325s]
[INFO] maven.features .................................... SUCCESS [0.078s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.feature ..................... SUCCESS [1.012s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jsf ......................... SUCCESS [3.587s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jsf.feature ................. SUCCESS [4.414s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.seam ........................ SUCCESS [0.947s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.seam.feature ................ SUCCESS [3.204s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.cdi ......................... SUCCESS [3.564s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.cdi.feature ................. SUCCESS [0.330s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.hibernate ................... SUCCESS [3.689s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.hibernate.feature ........... SUCCESS [4.384s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.portlet ..................... SUCCESS [1.061s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.portlet.feature ............. SUCCESS [3.188s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.project.examples ............ SUCCESS [4.179s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.project.examples.feature .... SUCCESS [0.331s]
[INFO] maven.tests ....................................... SUCCESS [0.059s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test ................. SUCCESS [39.194s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.test.feature ................ SUCCESS [3.300s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jaxrs ....................... SUCCESS [0.671s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jaxrs.feature ............... SUCCESS [3.182s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jbosspackaging .............. SUCCESS [3.660s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jbosspackaging.feature ...... SUCCESS [5.276s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jpa ......................... SUCCESS [0.647s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jpa.feature ................. SUCCESS [3.151s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.profiles.core ............... SUCCESS [0.414s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.profiles.ui ................. SUCCESS [3.401s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.profiles.feature ............ SUCCESS [4.104s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.gwt ......................... SUCCESS [0.749s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.gwt.feature ................. SUCCESS [6.001s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.sourcelookup.core ........... SUCCESS [3.487s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.sourcelookup.ui ............. SUCCESS [0.640s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.sourcelookup.feature ........ SUCCESS [3.187s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jdt ......................... SUCCESS [0.594s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.jdt.feature ................. SUCCESS [3.110s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.configurators.tests ......... SUCCESS [4:12.900s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.conversion.test ............. SUCCESS [1:10.166s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.common.test ................. SUCCESS [46.748s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.maven.profiles.test ............... SUCCESS [49.618s]
[INFO] maven.site ........................................ SUCCESS [4:45.733s]
[INFO] ws.all ............................................ SUCCESS [0.043s]
[INFO] ws.plugins ........................................ SUCCESS [0.072s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.core ........................... SUCCESS [4.151s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.creation.core .................. SUCCESS [3.773s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.ui ............................. SUCCESS [5.905s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.creation.ui .................... SUCCESS [0.714s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.jaxrs.core ..................... SUCCESS [7.258s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.jaxrs.ui ....................... SUCCESS [4.042s]
[INFO] ws.tests .......................................... SUCCESS [0.057s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.core.test ...................... SUCCESS [1:50.126s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.creation.core.test ............. SUCCESS [4:28.479s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.test ........................ SUCCESS [59.820s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.jaxrs.core.test ................ SUCCESS [1:56.994s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.bot.test .................... SUCCESS [13.929s]
[INFO] ws.features ....................................... SUCCESS [0.051s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.feature ........................ SUCCESS [3.501s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.jaxrs.feature .................. SUCCESS [0.319s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.ws.test.feature ................... SUCCESS [4.726s]
[INFO] ws.site ........................................... SUCCESS [3:13.997s]
[INFO] runtime.tests ..................................... SUCCESS [0.087s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.runtime.test ...................... SUCCESS [33.545s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.runtime.test.feature .............. SUCCESS [3.552s]
[INFO] runtime.site ...................................... SUCCESS [1:23.594s]
[INFO] central.all ....................................... SUCCESS [0.080s]
[INFO] central.plugins ................................... SUCCESS [0.039s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central ........................... SUCCESS [7.850s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.community.central ................. SUCCESS [0.323s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.themes .................... SUCCESS [4.881s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.discovery ................. SUCCESS [0.318s]
[INFO] central.features .................................. SUCCESS [0.049s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.feature ................... SUCCESS [3.940s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.community.central.feature ......... SUCCESS [1.403s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.discovery.feature ......... SUCCESS [3.187s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.themes.feature ............ SUCCESS [0.240s]
[INFO] central.tests ..................................... SUCCESS [0.039s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.test ...................... SUCCESS [1:26.189s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.central.test.feature .............. SUCCESS [3.319s]
[INFO] central.site ...................................... SUCCESS [4:41.982s]
[INFO] emma-coverage ..................................... SUCCESS [40.167s]
[INFO] org.jboss.tools.build ............................. SUCCESS [0.043s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7:19:36.213s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Oct 07 01:24:56 EDT 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 1174M/1511M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin:0.15.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) on project org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/cdi/plugins/org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [resources/] do not match any files. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin:0.15.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) on project org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/cdi/plugins/org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [resources/] do not match any files.
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:217)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:153)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:145)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:84)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:59)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.singleThreadedBuild(LifecycleStarter.java:183)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(LifecycleStarter.java:161)
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMaven.java:320)
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven.java:156)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(MavenCli.java:537)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(MavenCli.java:196)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(MavenCli.java:141)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(Launcher.java:290)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:230)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(Launcher.java:409)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:352)
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/cdi/plugins/org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [resources/] do not match any files.
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.IncludeValidationHelper.checkIncludesExist(IncludeValidationHelper.java:84)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.IncludeValidationHelper.checkSourceIncludesExist(IncludeValidationHelper.java:47)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.OsgiSourceMojo.getResources(OsgiSourceMojo.java:174)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.archiveProjectContent(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:312)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.packageSources(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:249)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.packageSources(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:224)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.execute(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:196)
	at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(DefaultBuildPluginManager.java:101)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:209)
	... 19 more
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin:0.15.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) on project org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [seam/] do not match any files. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-source-plugin:0.15.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) on project org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [seam/] do not match any files.
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:217)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:153)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:145)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:84)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(LifecycleModuleBuilder.java:59)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.singleThreadedBuild(LifecycleStarter.java:183)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(LifecycleStarter.java:161)
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMaven.java:320)
	at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven.java:156)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(MavenCli.java:537)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(MavenCli.java:196)
	at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(MavenCli.java:141)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(Launcher.java:290)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:230)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(Launcher.java:409)
	at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:352)
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: <http://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/ws/sources/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.ui.test/build.properties>: src.includes value(s) [seam/] do not match any files.
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.IncludeValidationHelper.checkIncludesExist(IncludeValidationHelper.java:84)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.IncludeValidationHelper.checkSourceIncludesExist(IncludeValidationHelper.java:47)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.OsgiSourceMojo.getResources(OsgiSourceMojo.java:174)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.archiveProjectContent(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:312)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.packageSources(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:249)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.packageSources(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:224)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.source.AbstractSourceJarMojo.execute(AbstractSourceJarMojo.java:196)
	at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(DefaultBuildPluginManager.java:101)
	at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(MojoExecutor.java:209)
	... 19 more
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :org.jboss.tools.cdi.xml.ui
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :24
Killing Xvnc process ID 11055
Recording test results
Emma: looking for coverage reports in the provided path: sources/build/emma/reports/target/coverage.xml
Emma: found 1 report files: 
Emma: stored 1 report files in the build folder: /qa/hudson_master/hudson_home/hudson_workspace/jobs/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.tests/builds/2012-10-06_18-01-44/emma
Emma: Coverage: Classes 2969/7684 (39%). Methods 14774/50748 (29%). Blocks 347699/1211491 (29%). Lines 80065.7/280229 (29%). 

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